Pakistani envoy resumes mission in Tehran

Director General of Iran Foreign Ministry’s South Asia Affairs Rasoul Mousavi has announced that the Iranian and Pakistani ambassadors resumed their diplomatic missions.
The Iranian and Pakistani people and authorities are happy that relations have returned to good conditions, Mousavi wrote on his X account on Friday.
He also stressed the responsibility of the media of both countries to strengthen friendship and brotherhood.
Earlier on Friday, Pakistani Ambassador to Iran Muhammad Mudassir Tipu said that the time is ripe for turning a new leaf in bilateral relations.
"In conformity with the sincere & good wishes of Pakistan’s leadership, I am en route to Tehran," Mudassir Tipu wrote on his X account on Friday.
"Ever more determined to work for a more robust, stronger & peace-loving Pakistan," he added.
"Strong Pakistan & Iran are critical for region & to promote historic people to people ties. Time to turn a new leaf."
Meanwhile, Reza Amiri Moghadam arrived at Islamabad International Airport on Friday afternoon to resume his diplomatic mission as the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Pakistan.
The historical and deep-rooted relations between Iran and Pakistan pave the ground for resolving the issues, Amiri Moghadam said.
He also expressed hope that Tehran and Islamabad will stand against terrorism through mutual cooperation.