Iran urges end to deadly clashes in Palestinian refugee camp

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman has expressed deep concern over the ongoing armed clashes between Palestinian factions in a densely populated refugee camp in southern Lebanon, which have killed and injured dozens of Palestinians.
Nasser Kanaani on Thursday called for an immediate cessation of hostilities in the Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp, stressing that the Palestinian cause more than ever requires unity and solidarity among Palestinians.
“Palestinian groups, movements, and the Palestinian nation, while maintaining vigilance, should utilize all their capacities and resources to combat the Zionist occupation, which is the root cause of all the predicaments faced by the Palestinian people and the instability in the region,” he said on Thursday.
The Palestinian factions need to focus their efforts on “the complete eradication of occupation, the return of all Palestinian refugees to their homeland, and the establishment of an independent and unified Palestinian state with its capital in the holy city of al-Quds,” the official added.