Expert outlines presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey

An expert on Turkey has said that the people of Turkey want changes and even if Erdogan assumes office again, they will still want to implement the mentioned changes.
In an exclusive interview with ILNA, Siyamak Kakaei called the presidential and parliament elections in Turkey important, saying that these developments are very important internally and internationally.
Undoubtedly, the future developments in Turkey and how they will be going are affected by the result of today's elections in Turkey, he noted.
Referring to the presidential candidates in Turkey's election, the expert continued that “the election promises of Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu team are important and managed to attract the attention of a large part of Turkish society.”
Evaluating the situation of Erdogan, the expert underlined that a political earthquake like the year 2003 only can lead to the win of Erdogan in this election.
He also believed that the opponents of Erdogan are in a better political situation than in the two last decades.
The citizens of Turkey want changes and even if Erdogan comes to office again, they will still want to implement the mentioned changes, he concluded.