Under the Leadership of Great Commanders

February 8, Juche 112 (2023) marks the 75th founding anniversary of the Korean People’s Army.
The KPA’s history is a period in which it has been continuously strengthened under the leadership of the great commanders.
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, founding father of socialist Korea, regarded organizing a powerful regular army as a prerequisite for building an independent sovereign state after the country’s liberation from Japan’s military occupation on August 15, 1945, and founded the KPA as regular revolutionary armed forces, which inherited the traditions of the anti-Japanese struggle.
The US imperialists ignited the Korean war on June 25, 1950, when it was a little more than two years after the founding of the KPA, but it defeated them and achieved a historic victory in the war on July 27, 1953. Since then it has firmly guaranteed the victorious advance of socialism in the country by frustrating the ceaseless military provocations by the US imperialists. These owe all to the exploits Kim Il Sung performed in building an army of the Juche type.
He advanced the strategic policy of simultaneously promoting economic construction and strengthening national defence, and led the effort to implement it, strengthening the country’s defence capability to the maximum.
The cause of building up the army of the Juche type was brilliantly carried forward by Chairman Kim Jong Il’s outstanding idea of and leadership for army building.
In the mid-1990s, when the destiny of the country and nation was at stake, he upheld the banner of Songun, and strengthened the politico-ideological might of the KPA in every way. Then he further consolidated the driving force of the revolution and staunchly defended socialism in the showdown with the allied imperialist forces and led it along the path resplendent with victory. This constitutes his undying exploits.
The KPA has now greeted a golden age of its development under the leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.
At the outset of the new century of the Juche era, Kim Jong Un clarified the new general task for building up the army, providing important guidelines for further developing it.
Under his leadership the KPA is now demonstrating its dignity as a revolutionary army possessed with politico-ideological superiority and the strongest military capability in the world, and its profile is rising with each passing day.
As it is led by the great commander, the KPA will, in the future, too, add lustre to the sacred history and traditions of a powerful revolutionary army and achieve only victory and glory.