Capture of Lachin city by Azerbaijan runs counter to 2020 deal: Expert

An expert on the Caucasus issues has said that the only way of solving problems between Baku and Erevan is through negotiations.
Commenting on the capture of Lachin city by the army of Azerbaijan, Hassan Behesgtipour said in an exclusive interview with ILNA that Lachin is considered a part of Azerbaijani territory, and now Azerbaijan once again has taken it, but this action is frankly against the November 2020 deal.
I believe that parts of this agreement have been violated, he said, adding that according to the deal, it was supposed that a ceasefire be implemented in the Lachin corridor, Shusha, and the south area but now, not only the ceasefire has not been implemented, but also Azerbaijan took control of Lachin by an army move.
And now the main question is why Russia as the peacekeeper in this region has not done anything to prevent Baku’s military from advancing, he added.
This corridor is considered a strategic region so the only way of solving problems between Baku and Yerevan is through negotiations, he noted.