Palestinian Resistance Imposed Its Own Conditions on Israel, Nasrallah Says

Hezbollah Secretary General Seyed Hassan Nasrallah said the Palestinian resistance managed to defend its own people and impose its own conditions on the Zionist enemy
Nasrallah said on Sunday that the Palestinian resistance’s successful defensive operations during Israel’s recent offensive against the Gaza Strip left Tel Aviv with no other choice than to accept a truce.
The remarks by the Lebanese resistance movement chief came on Sunday after Palestine's Islamic Jihad agreed to a truce with Israel following three days of strikes on the Gaza Strip by the Israeli forces.
On Friday, the regime carried out a massacre against the Gaza City, killing dozens of people, including Taysir al-Jabari, a senior commander of the Palestinian resistance movement of the Islamic Jihad, and six children.
The offensive prompted the al-Quds Brigades, the Islamic Jihad’s military wing, to respond by firing hundreds of rockets towards the occupied territories, forcing Tel Aviv to seek out a ceasefire in order to stop the resistance’s rocket barrages.
“I lay emphasis (here) on the bravery that characterized Palestine’s retaliation,” Nasrallah stated. “If martyr Jabari’s assassination had been left unanswered, the Zionist regime would have kept up its aggression.”
It is clear that it is the Israeli regime that is seeking out a truce today because it cannot take any more rockets from the resistance, the Hezbollah chief stated. It was the resistance’s rockets that compelled the Zionist regime to accept a truce, he added.
“One should praise the resistance and perseverance of the people of Gaza,” Nasrallah said.
“As in Lebanon, the resistance in Palestine managed to defend its own people and impose its own conditions on the Zionist enemy,” he stated. Hezbollah fought off two wars imposed on Lebanon by the Israeli regime in the 2000s, forcing Tel Aviv into beating a humiliating retreat on both occasions.