U.S. Urged Not to Forget Its Defeat in Korean War: DPRK

Fatherland Liberation War Martyrs Cemetery in Pyongyang, DPR Korea
-July 27, Victory Day of Korean People
The Korean people defeated the imperialist aggressors in the Fatherland Liberation War (June 25, 1950-July 27, 1953), demonstrating the mettle of Koreans.
At an emergency meeting of the Cabinet held on the first day of the war, President Kim Il Sung said that we should show the mettle of Koreans to the U.S. imperialists who look down upon Koreans as the saying goes that a stick is fit for a wolf.
The President inspired the righteous and brave Korean people with the faith of defending the country.
The Korean people, who do not want to be subject to colonial slavery of the imperialists, turned out as one in the struggle against aggressors, taking up arms to defend the independence of the country, freedom and democracy.
They had created miracles unprecedented in the world history of wars, without the slightest vacillation in face of the heinous imperialist aggressors, and mercilessly stroke the groups of aggressors in the sky, land and sea of the country.
The arrogant aggressors came to realize the mettle, wisdom and courage of Koreans through blood and death every moment of the war.
The U.S. imperialists boasted that they would conclude the Korean War within 72 hours, but had to raise the flag of surrender before the Korean people after the passage of 27 000 hours.
The Korean people's history of victory, created in the Fatherland Liberation War with July 27, the victory day, is given steady continuity century after century.
-Miracles Made in Fatherland Liberation War
The Fatherland Liberation War (June 25, 1950 - July 27, 1953) in Korea was a confrontation between the new-born DPRK and the imperialist allied forces armed to the teeth, the confrontation between a rifle and an A-bomb.
However, the young DPRK won in the war, defeating the U.S. imperialists which boasted of being "the strongest in the world".
When the war broke out, it was 5 years since the DPRK freed itself from the colonial rule and started building a new society and two years since it built its regular army. And its munitions industry was at the beginning of development.
On the other hand, the U.S. was the ringleader of the imperialist allied forces, armed with A-bomb.
Provoking the Korean War, the U.S. imperialists stupidly calculated that they would easily conquer the small and young DPRK armed with rifles.
At the time when the world people feared that a war with the U.S. would be destructive, the Korean people had courageously fought against the aggressors, under the command of President Kim Il Sung.
The soldiers of the Korean People's Army fought to the death, covering the enemy's pillboxes with their bodies and throwing their bodies into the enemy's camps with grenades in their mouths.
The Korean people devoted themselves to the production of weapons and ammunitions and the increased grain production, even running the machine belts with hands.
After all, the U.S. imperialist aggression army's heavy cruiser was buried at sea, air pirates fell to the ground and lots of new-type weapons turned into iron craps by the Korean people's heroic struggle.
The bombast of the U.S. imperialist warmongers that they would conquer the whole Korea in 72 hours was reversed into sighs of defeat.
The miserable history of the U.S. imperialists suffering defeats started with the Korean War.
-The U.S. Must Not Forget Disgraceful Defeat of the Past
70-odd years have passed since the 1950s when the U.S. brought ravages of war to this land.
The bygone days and today’s reality show that the U.S. imperialism is fated to be a loser in the DPRK-U.S. showdown from the historical point of view and that humankind is the same as before in its ardent aspiration for safeguarding justice and truth.
Today, the international society is raising its voices in denunciation of the reckless behavior of the U.S. which clings to its indiscreet hostile policy towards the DPRK in an attempt to put the situation on the Korean peninsula again into a vicious cycle of tension. They are also raising their voices in support of the righteous stand and measures of the Party and the government of our Republic to safeguard state sovereignty, national dignity and to ensure peace and security of the Korean peninsula and the region.
Prestigious Russian experts on international affairs, including researchers of the Institute of Oriental Studies and the Institute of Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences branded the U.S. as the mastermind of disturbing stability on the Korean peninsula, which has posed a nuclear threat to the DPRK since the 1950s.
Saying that the U.S. wild ambition for world hegemony has not changed a bit even after long years, they underlined the fact that the U.S. is increasing military tension on the Korean peninsula by continuously bringing in many troops and ultra-modern weapons to south Korea, and that it is making desperate efforts to create Asian version of NATO.
They also asserted that this shows that lasting peace on Earth cannot be ensured as long as the U.S. imperialism exists and that only military build-up is the best way to defend peace and security.
The Korean War Veterans’ Council, the Russia-Korea Friendship Association and other social organizations, through their interviews and statements, took the U.S. to task for its dangerous moves of putting military threats, which is the provoker of the Korean War in the past and the main culprit of increasing tension on the Korean peninsula today.
The Korean War Veterans’ Council of Russia issued the following statement.
The U.S. and south Korean trigger-happy elements are building up tension on the Korean peninsula, oblivious of the historic lesson learnt 72 years ago. Lasting peace and stability can never be ensured as long as imperialism remains on Earth. We condemn the U.S. for its attempt to bring dark clouds of a new war while being engrossed in arms-build up in defiance of peaceful proposals from the DPRK.
Voices ringing out from different circles of Russia are due condemnation of the U.S. which is aggravating the situation on the Korean peninsula while remaining unchanged in its policy of isolating and putting pressure on the DPRK, without drawing on the lessons from its bitter defeat in the last century.
If the U.S. forgets even for a single moment about its disgraceful defeat it had suffered in the past history of DPRK-U.S. showdown, it will only speed up its miserable downfall.