Iran-Venezuela relations strategic: President Raisi

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi said that the relations between Iran and Venezuela were strategic and the two countries would keep up the ties as proven by signing a 20-year cooperation document.
Speaking in a joint press conference with Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro in Tehran on Saturday, Raisi said that Iran has always sought to have ties with independent countries and that Venezuela’s resistance against imperialism and enemies was exemplary.
He mentioned the sanctions imposed against Iran during the last four decades and said that Iran has decided to leverage these sanctions to make improvement opportunities for the country.
As the White House press secretary has confessed, President Raisi said, the US’ maximum pressure policy has abjectly failed and this is a victory for the Iranian people and a failure for the enemy.
The President also noted that the Venezuelan nation, which has had difficult years under US sanctions, has been determined to stand against the enemies.