Iran's AEOI chief: IAEA taken captive by Zionists

Iran's AEOI chief: IAEA taken captive by Zionists
News code : ۱۲۴۱۰۰۹

Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami expressed regret here on Thursday that an international agency like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is taken captive by an illegitimate regime, that is both taking advantage of and defaming it.

Eslami in an interview with the Page One program of IRIB Channel One focused on the relations between Iran and the IAEA, and the recently passed resolution at the IAEA Board of Governors.

He said it is very sorrowful that the agency is both being taken advantage of and being defamed by an illegitimate regime.

Eslami added that Iran’s entire commitments within the framework of the JCPOA are contrary with the IAEA regulations, asking: Why did we accept those commitments and restricted ourselves?

He said that the only reason was to ward off the accusations made against us, and prove our good will, but our good will is not paid the required attention.

Eslami emphasized that Iran has started installing new machines, and is not involved in any adventurist move.

The IAEA head said that for the first time we presented our CPF and program to the agency and according to the agency’s Article of Association, the IAEA is now obliged to offer us technical and training support, but the IAEA, like many other International organizations, is today taken captive by the Zionists.
