The book "Superhero," written by Komeil Rouhani, has just been published. According to ILNA, "Superhero" a science - …
The book "Superhero," written by Komeil Rouhani, has just been published. According to ILNA, "Superhero" a science - …
Komeil Rouhani’s latest book, "The Wise Guy" has been published by Zarnavesht Publishing House, spanning 100 pages.…
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani strongly criticized the US for withdrawing from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of…
Speaking in a meeting with the foreign minister of North Korea Ri Yong Ho on Wednesday, President Hassan Rouhani…
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani departed for the western province of Kermanshah on Monday morning to visit the areas…
Members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries have welcomed re-election of President Hassan Rouhani…
President Hassan Rouhani signed up for the upcoming presidential race on Friday to seek reelection for the second term…
Iranian President Rouhani said if it were not for Iran’s immediate answer to the appeal for help from neighboring…
President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that Iran would continue its support for Iraq against terrorist groups.
Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani says Tehran has always seriously pursued the fight against terrorism and it has given…