General Secretary Kim Jong Un Guides Test-fire of Surface-to-Sea Missile Padasuri-6
General Secretary Kim Jong Un Guides Test-fire of Surface-to-Sea Missile Padasuri-6
Kim Jong Il, eternal chairman of the National Defence Commission of DPRK
President Kim Il Sung reviewing the military parade of the Korean People’s Army February
General Secretary Kim Jong Un seen among Korean Children
General Secretary Kim Jong Un cuts tape at the inauguration ceremony of First-stage 10000 flats in Hwasong Area, DPRK
General Secretary Kim Jong Un presides over the 9th Enlarged Plenum of 8th WPK Central Committee
General Secretary Kim Jong Un makes a speech at the Fifth National Conference of Mothers held in Pyongyang, DPR Korea
General Secretary Kim Jong Un is Seen among the Children
General Secretary Kim Jong Un is seen among Children
General Secretary Kim Jong UN is seen among children