French minister urges Saudi and UAE to end war in Yemen

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian on Tuesday reiterated calls for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to end a conflict in Yemen that he described as a “dirty war”.
“Yes, it’s a dirty war, yes it has to be stopped, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates must stop” the fighting, Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told France Inter radio on Tuesday.
“Yes, we must be extremely vigilant with arms sales to these two countries, which is what we are doing,” he said.
France is among the top weapons exporters to Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, two key members of a coalition waging war on Yemen since March 2015. Tens of thousands have reportedly died since the onset of the warfare, which seeks to restore the former Yemeni officials, who are close to the Saudi kingdom.
It seems that France is trying to send a message to US.