Al-Abadi orders troops deployment along border with Turkey

Al-Abadi orders troops deployment along border with Turkey
News code : ۶۶۹۲۳۰

The National Security Council of Iraq in a session presided over by Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi approved deployment of border guards along borders with Turkey.

In its Sunday's session, the National Security Council underlined the need for implementing necessary plans to provide security and stability along Iraqi border lines and register violations of the country's land border and air space.

The NSC also obliged the foreign ministry to take necessary measures to document violations of Iraqi air space by Turkey for presentation to the United Nations.

As per the decision of NSC, border guards will deploy along Iraq-Turkey border with an aim of defending the border areas and prevent any breaches of the country's territorial integrity.

The session also reviewed the tasks of Iraqi federal police, revision of its administrative organization and equipping it with necessary weapons and equipment in order to be able to play a better and complementary role alongside the army.

The unprecedented order issued by NSC for deployment of border guards along borders with Turkey came at a time when with formation of a new parliament, the country would see a change of government in coming days or weeks while al-Abadi has announced that he would not nominate himself for the post of prime minister.

