Russia will not easily withdraw from the Ukrainian conflict: expert

Ali Bigdeli, an expert on international affairs, said that Westerners are afraid of any harsh action or reaction from Russia, and for this reason, Washington and London should move in a way that will cause them the least amount of cost from Moscow.
"The West, led by the United States, has become overly involved in the Ukraine case and its war with Russia. On the other hand, Britain, as America's traditional partner, still believes that Russia must be confronted, and now this hostility has deepened too much," Bigdeli said in an exclusive interview with ILNA.
"The Russians are basically reckless in such cases, and based on this, it can be said that Moscow will not easily withdraw from a multi-sided conflict like the Ukrainian war," he added.
"I think the West should not take any action that would provoke Moscow to retaliate and suddenly create a deeper crisis than the current situation," the expert concluded.