Dedication of Great Man: DPRK

Dedication of Great Man: DPRK
News code : ۱۵۳۰۵۳۳

General Secretary Kim Jong Un Guides Consultative Meeting for Regional Development Project

-Kim Jong Un and DPRK Today

 The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is greeting its 76th founding anniversary.

 Today the DPRK has emerged as a socialist power in politics and ideology. It is also renowned for its powerful self-supporting economy and self-reliant defence capability. More notably, it is achieving sustainably rapid development, which shows its great potentials for further progress. The credit goes to the leadership of Kim Jong Un, president of the State Affairs of the DPRK.

 It is noteworthy that the DPRK’s leaping development is entirely self-accomplishment. From the beginning of his leadership Kim Jong Un has upheld self-reliance and self-development as a steadfast line. According to his will, the DPRK has made great efforts to consolidate its foundations for a self-supporting economy. The metallurgical industry, a key sector of its economy, has established a Korean-style iron-making method and steadily expanded and strengthened its production potential, giving impetus to the development of the overall economy. The chemical industry is also overfulfilling its plan by building up the foundations of production based on its own efforts and technology. A new C1 chemical industry base is under construction.

Dedication of Great Man: DPRK

Early in July Kim Jong Un, together with members of the central leadership body of the Workers’ Party of Korea, looked round major industrial establishments equipped with unmanned production lines that had been put on an intelligent, precision and high-performance basis at a high level. These modern establishments, which have been built by the DPRK on its own efforts and technology, serve as role models for other machine factories under renovation and all economic sectors.

 In the country irrigation projects covering vast areas are making headway and a large number of high-horsepower tractors and other farm machines are being supplied, resulting in a steady rise in its agricultural productivity.

 The Korean people absolutely support the policies of the WPK and the government, bringing their traditional single-hearted unity onto a new high.

 Kim Jong Un administers the people-first politics to ensure that all affairs of the Party and the government are oriented to serving their interests. Some examples are the construction of 50 000 flats in the capital city of Pyongyang, a new childcare policy to provide the children across the country with dairy products and other nutritional foods at state expense, a rural construction policy on the transformation of farmhouses in different parts of the country and the Regional Development 20×10 Policy.

 The Korean people have realized through their life that the implementation of the policies of the Party and the government precisely leads to their better future and, furthermore, to the rapid progress of the country. This helps further promote the unity of ideology and aspiration between the WPK and the people, and serves as a driving force for rapid development in the economy, culture, national defence and other fields of society. To take an example, the DPRK is achieving a leap forward in its national defence capability to an advanced level.

Dedication of Great Man: DPRK

Kim Jong Un is also bolstering the DPRK’s international status by conducting energetic diplomatic activities. His external activities are in the spotlight across the world, and the DPRK takes centre stage in ensuring peace and security in Northeast Asia and beyond.

 The most powerful, people-oriented and dignified country in history is in the making by Kim Jong Un.


-Kim Jong Un’s Way of Creation and Its Characteristics

Each and every day socialist Korea has witnessed new changes towards rapid progress. All these changes are unthinkable apart from the marvellous creativity and unique way of creation of General Secretary of Kim Jong Un.

 He creates new things unprecedented in world history. An example of this is the unique appearances of recently-built Rimhung and Jonwi streets in the capital city of Pyongyang are widely spreading the internet homepages to the admiration of a growing number of users. Reportedly the architectural plans and designs of those streets were completed under the detailed guidance of Kim Jong Un.

 His world of creation is not confined merely to architecture. The Regional Development 20×10 Policy initiated by him for building new regional-industry factories across the country in the coming ten years was the one any other countries had never tried. He also made sure that military parades, which had so far been staged in the form of armed demonstration, were held at night as grand political festivals as splendid as an artistic performance.

Dedication of Great Man: DPRK

One of the major characteristics of Kim Jong Un’s way of creation is that the creations made in the country are all on the world level. For example, he initiated the construction of the world-largest greenhouse farms such as Ryonpho Greenhouse Farm and Kangdong Combined Greenhouse Farm, Pyongyang Teacher’s Training College and Central Cadres Training School of the Workers' Party of Korea. Besides, Munsu Water Park, Masikryong Ski Resort, Yangdok Hot Spring Resort and other cultural facilities have been built beyond imagination. Eye-opening successes have also been built in the national defence sector. Military experts at home and abroad say in agreement that the strategic and tactical missiles that have so far been developed in the DPRK are at the advanced world level in terms of precision and unpredictable flying orbit.

 Kim Jong Un keeps to the principle of creation that all creations should be built to remain perfect even in the distant future, expecting 50 or 100 years ahead. He makes sure that everything be made flawless to the last detail. As such, his high demands serve as a standard for the Korean people in their creative activities. 

 Kim Jong Un’s way of creation is many-sided and profound in width and depth. His creation is comprehensive as he provides guidance to political, economic, military, cultural and all other fields of society. He has waged diplomatic activities. The artistic performances held on major national anniversaries have been created under his leadership. As they are run through with his unique creativity, they give the audience novel and exemplary impressions.

Dedication of Great Man: DPRK

 Exceptionally high speed also characterizes Kim Jong Un’s way of creation. Now the capital city of Pyongyang has been witnessing a new street of 10 000 flats appearing every year and modern houses built in large numbers in rural areas. The said Ryonpho project was completed in more than 230 days and the Kangdong project in a year, excelling by far the previous one in size and production capacity and going ahead by one generation. The DPRK has already attained most of the targets for ramping up the national defence capabilities set forth at the Eight Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea ahead of schedule. It developed a hypersonic missile, one of those targets, which goes against the prediction of the leading US military experts that it would take a decade or two to be completed. 

-Kim Jong Un and His Devoted Service for People

 On July 15 General Secretary Kim Jong Un of the Workers’ Party of Korea visited the Phungo-dong area in Sinpho, South Hamgyong Province, and looked round the site of an offshore farm to be built, acquainting himself with the project plans. He then convened a consultative meeting of officials concerned on the spot.

 In the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea a struggle for implementing the Regional Development 20×10 Policy, which is aimed at improving the living standards of the regional people, is being dynamically waged. While the construction of regional-industry factories and the production of equipment for the factories go full steam ahead, the work for setting an example for coastal cities and counties to follow in promoting their development in a characteristic way as suited to their specific conditions by making the most effective use of marine resources was also pushed forward. Sinpho, a typical coastal city with a small area under cultivation compared to its population, was set as a model.

Dedication of Great Man: DPRK

 The WPK has long ago set the policy of developing the regional economy by making good use of the mountains in mountainous areas and the sea in the coastal regions. Kim Jong Un stressed that the policies consistently maintained by the Party can be implemented only when the state provides regions with all the conditions and possibilities for their economic growth in a responsible manner. After the consultative meeting held in a tent put up for temporary purpose he went to the waters for aquaculture aboard a small boat.

 By the time when he visited the area, the whole world was sweltering under extreme heat waves caused by global warming. The temperature in the DPRK crept up to above 30 degrees. Moreover, the day when the consultative meeting was held was in the hottest period of the year in the country. However the General Secretary was on the road for creating the wealth for people’s happiness despite the searing heat of midsummer.

 That day he said that if the scallop and kelp farming is conducted well in the waters off the Phungo-dong area, the city of Sinpho, which has low-yield fields and poor economic potentials, can become the richest among the cities and counties in the country in three to four years and expressed his determination to successfully build up the Sinpho City Offshore Farm into a model of aquaculture in the new century and present it to the people in the city as a gift.

Dedication of Great Man: DPRK

Many around the world are familiar with such images of Kim Jong Un who devotes his all to his people’s well-being. In August last year when the seawater broke the embankment of the Ansok Tideland he unhesitatingly stepped into the paddy fields submerged in waist-high seawater. Stroking the withering rice plants, he felt sad over the loss of the people’s assets. In 2018 he toured the area of Yangdok exposing himself to rain with a plan to build an admirable hot spring resort for the people. The news about his activities was much posted on websites.

 As such, Kim Jong Un doesn’t care about sweltering weather, paddy fields inundated in waist-high seawater and cold rain on the road for the people’s happiness. That’s why the Korean people hold him in high esteem, calling him their dear father.


