The September 11 attacks helped the United States shift its influence from the Western Hemisphere to the East: expert

Mehdi Motaharnia, an expert on American issues, said that if September 11 attacks had not happened, America would not have been able to invade West Asia and the rest of the world to assert and expand its power under the new world order with a specific justification.
"What happened after the 1990s until September 11, 2001, was in a way to project the power and hegemony of the United States to show itself as the savior of the world from terrorism to the public opinion of the community of nations," Motaharnia said in an exclusive interview with ILNA.
"This counter-event helped the United States shift its influence from the Western Hemisphere to the Eastern Hemisphere, and on the other hand, it tries to expand its level of influence," he added.
"After September 11th, at the strategic level, the Americans first set the agenda of exporting insecurity to the region," the expert concluded.