Young People in DPR Korea

Young People in DPR Korea
News code : ۱۵۲۳۳۷۶

General Secretary Kim Jong Un attends a ceremony of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade to be dispatched to the rehabilitation campaign areas in North Phyongan Province took place in the capital city of Pyongyang

-Great Loving Care for Glorifying Noble Name of Patriotic Youth

The respected Fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un has put forward the young people as an advancing group, wing and detached force of the Workers' Party of Korea with his great trust and love.

In January Juche 101 (2012), he sent an autograph reflecting the noble intention that the young people would always advance straight forward, following the Party in bringing earlier the prosperous rosy future.

He sent a congratulatory message of love to the participants in the first Youth Day celebrations in the new century of Juche and all other young people across the country on his way to the front and had a significant photo session with the delegates to the celebrations.

In 2015 alone, he visited the Paektusan Hero Youth Power Station under construction several times to guide the youth shock brigade members to display their wisdom and courage and push ahead with the construction despite the rigorous natural environment and unfavorable conditions.

Young People in DPR Korea

The Second National Meeting of Young Frontrunners in Noble Traits tells about the loving care shown by the benevolent father who glorified the ideological and moral traits and virtues of the young people as incomparably precious ones.

He attended the Ninth Congress of the youth league on August 28, 2016 to make a meaningful speech and personally watched a torchlight gala of the young vanguard.

In April 2021 he provided the tenth grand meeting of young vanguard in the proud course of development of the youth league and led it to be a new turning point in vigorously promoting the development of the Juche-oriented youth movement.

On the occasion of the Youth Day in 2021, he took a measure to invite the youths who volunteered to work at difficult and labor-consuming posts for socialist construction to the celebrations in Pyongyang and sent a congratulatory message to them.

With grand will to more reliably train the young people into the masters of the times and genuine successors to the revolution, he showed deep trust in them as he entrusted the whole construction of a new street in the Sopho area of Pyongyang to them.

Young People in DPR Korea

In his speech at a ceremony of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade departing for rehabilitation sties in North Phyongan Province on August 6, 2024, he said:

In less than a week after a decision was made by the Party and the subsequent appeal by the Central Committee of the youth league, nearly 300 000 young people have volunteered to go to the areas of recovery from flood damage. Such explosive volunteering enthusiasm can never be found in any other countries. I would like to speak to the world proudly that our country has such great young people.

The young vanguard of the DPRK will glorify for all ages the immortal leadership exploits of the respected fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un, who is ushering in a heyday of the Juche-oriented youth movement, and more fully demonstrate the noble name of the patriotic youth in the sacred struggle for building a socialist power of Juche.

-Youth Reflects Future

July 15 is the World Youth Skills Day.

United Nations General Assembly in 2014 has designated this day to promote the participation of the youth in public life and increase the rate of employment according to their expertise and skills.

Many countries in the world have adopted and enacted various policies to help the youth display their talents and make an active contribution to the social development. Yet, the issue of youth still remains as the most serious social problem.

Even in the capitalist countries which boast of developed economy, unemployment crisis is getting worse day by day. Hence, young people are giving up their life, being gripped by the anxiety and despair over the employment and unemployment.

Young People in DPR Korea

According to TV broadcasting of a capitalist country, 26.4% and 58.8% of university and high school graduates are reduced to wandering the streets after being jobless due to the mass lay-off by businesses.

In the capitalist society where money is a cure-all, the youth are leading a decadent life, taking drugs without any ray of hope for the future. They are also falling victim to crimes and violence or committing suicide, causing a headache to society.

Media and experts are expressing their concern that youth unemployment is not mere a socio-economic issue but can turn into a political one, saying that it is difficult for capitalist society to solve two conundrums it faces, which are high unemployment and high shortage of workforce.

Fostering and developing the abilities of young people is a crucial issue connected with the rise and fall of a country and nation, and the future of humanity.

Young people in the DPRK are creating miracles and innovation in all fields of building a socialist power from their line of work according to their gifted abilities without any sort of worry.

Young People in DPR Korea

Trusting in the young people, the Workers’ Party of Korea unfolded a grand plan of overall national prosperity and waged bold and large-scale operations. The young people of the DPRK, feeling no greater pride and glory than devoting their youth for the prosperity of the country, fully display their unique sense of organization and unity, and their undying spirit.

Each and every monumental edifice that have sprung up all across the country is associated with the inexhaustible strength and efforts of the young people. One of them is Jonwi Street, a vast expanse of buildings encompassing thousands of high-rise buildings, skyscrapers and welfare facilities, that was built in no more than a year. This is a brilliant result of the Party’s idea and policy on giving priority to the youth movement.

The rosy future of Korean-style socialism is seen in the faces of the patriotic young people of the DPRK.

The young people of the DPRK will continue to further give full play to their young wisdom and energy in the van of the times for the overall development of the state under the warm care of the great leader and Party who treasure them the most and stand them on the highest statue.

-Inexhaustible Strength of Korean Youth

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has proved itself in other aspect than the military strength. A large number of its young people who volunteered from across the country have managed to build a large street with a group of skyscrapers, particularly a landmark 80-storey building, and public amenities in the capital city of Pyongyang in a matter of one year.

Young People in DPR Korea

According to local media, Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, entrusted the project to the young people, named the street, and led them to perform feats in the construction

-University Students Seen at Library

Young People in DPR Korea

Students of Kim Il Sung University of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are studying hard at its Science Library.

Young People in DPR Korea

The library was renovated in October last year.

