Washington is seeking to gradually unveil nuclear Saudi Arabia in the region: expert

Washington is seeking to gradually unveil nuclear Saudi Arabia in the region: expert
News code : ۱۵۱۷۲۴۴

Ali Bigdeli, an expert on American issues, said that Washington is seeking to gradually unveil nuclear Saudi Arabia in the region and create a balance of power.

"The American economy has also suffered an obvious decline, and that is why Biden is seeking to lift the ban on arms sales to Saudi Arabia," Bigdeli said in an exclusive interview with ILNA.

"The situation in the region is different and Riyadh and Yemen are not in a conflict, but in general it should be noted that the arms cooperation between the United States and Saudi Arabia can help the United States economy," he added.

"In the current situation, Washington wants to go in this direction to manage the Middle East based on its theories," the expert concluded.





