For the Development of Regional industry: DPRK

General Secretary Kim Jong Un Makes Historic Speech at Ground-breaking Ceremony for Construction of Regional-industry Factories in Songchon County
-Kim Jong Un and the Regional Development 20×10 Policy
Implementation of the Regional Development 20×10 Policy put forth by Kim Jong Un, President of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, is now going full steam ahead.
Kim Jong Un put forward the construction of modern regional-industry factories in 20 counties every year in the coming ten years from this year as the Regional Development 20×10 Policy for the Workers’ Party of Korea to hold on to, and, for its flawless implementation, he visited regional-industry factories in Kimhwa County in early February this year.
He stressed that the regional-industry factories to be built should be higher in the level of modernization and better in architectural style than those in Kimhwa County.
Late in February he attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of regional-industry factories in Songchon County, delivered a speech and took up the first spadeful of earth in commemoration of the groundbreaking.
When this policy is implemented, new improvements will reportedly be effected in the material and cultural living standards of the people across the country.
Analysts comment that the policy shows the personality of Kim Jong Un and his outstanding qualifications as state leader.
First, Kim Jong Un is very audacious and proactive in his work style.
To renovate the regional-industry factories in 20 counties every year by the country’s own efforts and technology and thus remodel all those across the country within the coming ten years is a grand plan that cannot be decided in a conventional way.
Even the Ninth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK held to discuss the plan for this year proposed building regional-industry factories in only a few cities and counties with favourable conditions and stepping up preparations for the future construction in the remaining cities and counties.
However, Kim Jong Un set forth the Regional Development 20×10 Policy so as to bring about a marked change in the people’s living in a short period.
Quite impressive are his words at the 19th Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK–Being passive is not something that goes well with our physical constitution.
It is also noteworthy that he is very scientific and far-sighted in mapping out policies and implementing them.
Already at the first short course for chief secretaries of the city and county Party committees in March 2021, he gave directions for opening up a new era of regional development.
The directions meant that the regional-industry factories in Kimhwa County should be built modernly on a trial basis, gain experience by putting their operation on a regular basis in keeping with the specific conditions of the county to weigh their effectiveness, profitability and possibility, and, on this basis, new modern regional-industry factories should be built in all cities and counties across the country in the future.
Though the economic situation of the country was difficult three years ago, he already looked into the definite growth of the economy and its consolidated foundations of today.
With such far-sighted intelligence and scientific and detailed preparations, the Regional Development 20×10 Policy was advanced and is under implementation.
It is also a unanimous comment of the analysts that Kim Jong Un is possessed of unexcelled organizing and enterprising abilities.
He ensured that the order of counties was properly defined on a planned, concentrated and future-oriented basis, given that regional-industry factories were to be built in two counties of each province every year. He also took concrete measures to set the production indices in conformity with the economic potentialities, specialties, regional sizes and populations of the relevant cities and counties, to train technicians and skilled workers necessary for the operation of factories in a far-sighted way, organize construction workforce and set up a well-regulated work system.
He saw to it that the strong force of the Korean People’s Army undertook the construction projects and personally handed over the colours to the army units, encouraging them to push ahead with the projects in a three-dimensional way and on a full scale.
The non-permanent central committee for promoting the Regional Development 20×10 Policy was organized and commenced its work, and preparations to build the raw material bases in cities and counties are in progress.
-DPRK’s Economy Viewed from New Regional Development Policy
The Regional Development 20×10 Policy recently advanced by General Secretary Kim Jong Un of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea is drawing attention of many people around the world.
According to the policy, the Workers’ Party of Korea takes charge of building modern regional-industry factories in 20 counties every year as an unerring policy-oriented task and carries it out successfully so as to raise the basic material and cultural living standards of the people to a higher level in all cities and counties, more specifically in all parts of the country, in the coming decade.
The DPRK has already built modern regional-industry factories in Kimhwa County. It is said that the level of modernization of the foodstuff, clothing and daily necessities factories and a paper mill built in Kimhwa County is very high. They are fed with locally-available raw and other materials. And they are producing more than enough products to satisfy the county’s demand, and the surplus is supplied to the neighbouring counties and even the provincial seat.
When he gave field guidance at the regional-industry factories in Kimhwa County, Kim Jong Un stressed once again the decision on setting the architectural styles and the level of modernization of the regional-industry factories to be built from this year higher than those in Kimhwa County. The Regional Development 20×10 Policy, which has begun to be put in force in real earnest, helps to guess the direction of development of the country.
He saw to it that the strong force of the Korean People’s Army undertook the construction projects and personally handed over the colours to the army units, encouraging them to push ahead with the projects in a three-dimensional way and on a full scale.
The non-permanent central committee for promoting the Regional Development 20×10 Policy was organized and commenced its work, and preparations to build the raw material bases in cities and counties are in progress.
-DPRK’s Economy Viewed from New Regional Development Policy
The Regional Development 20×10 Policy recently advanced by General Secretary Kim Jong Un of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea is drawing attention of many people around the world.
According to the policy, the Workers’ Party of Korea takes charge of building modern regional-industry factories in 20 counties every year as an unerring policy-oriented task and carries it out successfully so as to raise the basic material and cultural living standards of the people to a higher level in all cities and counties, more specifically in all parts of the country, in the coming decade.
The DPRK has already built modern regional-industry factories in Kimhwa County. It is said that the level of modernization of the foodstuff, clothing and daily necessities factories and a paper mill built in Kimhwa County is very high. They are fed with locally-available raw and other materials. And they are producing more than enough products to satisfy the county’s demand, and the surplus is supplied to the neighbouring counties and even the provincial seat.
When he gave field guidance at the regional-industry factories in Kimhwa County, Kim Jong Un stressed once again the decision on setting the architectural styles and the level of modernization of the regional-industry factories to be built from this year higher than those in Kimhwa County. The Regional Development 20×10 Policy, which has begun to be put in force in real earnest, helps to guess the direction of development of the country.
Thirdly, the country plans to bring about a complete change in the overall economy of the country in a very short span of time and promote its multilateral growth.
The DPRK intends not to boost the economy sector by sector, but to develop all the sectors including heavy and light industries, regional industry and agriculture simultaneously. In fact, all sectors of the national economy such as metallurgical and chemical industries are pursuing modernization and sustainable development. With the advancement and execution of the Regional Development 20×10 Policy, the country is now in a position to promote the development of each regional economy in a unique way, expand the scope of investment in it and create a climate of competing with one another, thus giving impetus to diversified growth. The day is not far off when the nation will achieve the brilliant success of simultaneous, balanced and rapid development across the country.
-Regional-Industry Factories in Kimhwa County
After building new regional-industry factories in Kimhwa Count, Kangwon Province, in 2022, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is now powerfully pushing forward with the effort to develop regional industry.
The factories in Kimhwa County have clearly proved the possibility of regional industry development as well as their effectiveness and profitability through their operation.
What is worthy of note here is their rapid production growth.
In a matter of only two years after their completion, they increased their industrial output value by more than two times and the number of varieties of their products to 125 of 46 kinds.
The foodstuff factory increased the production to 50-odd varieties of more than ten kinds, and the garment factory increased the production by more than 1.2 times as compared with the previous year. Meanwhile, the paper mill overfulfilled its annual production plan at 114 percent and the daily necessities factory raised its production capacity by installing a new oil refining line and reinforcing the plastic pipe production line.
Another thing worthy of note is the improved quality of their products.
All their products are of so high quality that many people ask if they are really products of regional-industry factories. In addition, they are much welcome not only in the county itself but also in its neighbouring counties and other provinces, and are highly rated at national exhibitions.
This fans the competitive spirit among the producers, leading to further improvement of the standard of material and cultural life of the local people.
What is more important is the fact that all the factories are operated with locally available raw materials. Most of the foodstuffs and various kinds of light industrial goods like peppered bean paste with sesame, magnoliavine fruit juice and fruit jam of Actinidia arguta which are widely known as the specialities of the county are produced with raw materials available in the county.
To develop the production in a sustainable and stable manner, the people of the county have expanded the area of raw materials production bases more than 2.5 times and created hundreds of hectares of Korean evodia forests and a hundred hectares of woods for paper production.
In a nutshell, the regional-industry factories in Kimhwa County have developed into those relying on locally-available raw materials and the county into a developed one that retains its own inherent characteristics.
Having put forward the Regional Development 20×10 Policy which aims to build regional-industry factories, which will be as modern as those in Kimhwa County, in 20 counties every year and thereby in all cities and counties in ten years to come, the Workers’ Party of Korea and the government of the DPRK are forcefully pushing ahead with the work to implement it. A special emphasis in this work is put on creating more innovative things, instead of mechanically following and copying the experience gained in the county.
While giving field guidance at the regional-industry factories in Kimhwa County on February 7 this year, Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and President of the State Affairs of the DPRK, clarified important principles to be maintained and tasks to be done in improving the architectural styles and the level of modernization of the regional-industry factories to be built and ardently called for bringing about a great change in the regional development without fail.