The Syrian parliamentary elections means strengthening the foundations of power: expert

The Syrian parliamentary elections means strengthening the foundations of power: expert
News code : ۱۵۰۶۵۹۶

Ali Asghar Zargar, an expert on regional issues, has said that holding the Syrian parliamentary elections in these conditions basically means strengthening the foundations of power and trying to create a new process.

"In the parliamentary elections of Syria or countries with a clear political structure, the question of political strength is raised and we see the legitimacy of the ruling system as the final outcome, and in the end people head to the polls to vote for the political structure that governs that country," Zargar said in an exclusive interview with ILNA.

؛This election sends a regional message to the Arab countries that played a role in the Syrian crisis, and on a more general level, it also has a message for the international system, which can somehow be considered as a sign of the strength of the Syrian political system at the global level," he added. 

"The current government of Syria, as well as the parliament of this country, which has responsibilities in the political structure of Damascus, will face many challenges, and the ruling party, which also controls the parliament, will try to resolve these challenges somehow," the expert concluded. 





