Happy Korean Women: DPRK

General Secretary Kim Jong Un makes an important speech at the 5th National Conference of Mothers in Pyongyang, DPR Korea
-Happy Mothers
“Don’t be born a woman. If God punishes you to be born a woman, don’t commit the fault of becoming a mother.” This is what is often said in the West, and books explaining why women should not have a baby are popular among women there.
However, women in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea enjoy a happy life thanks to the benefits of the state, and are put forward as flowers of the times and the country.
The Pyongyang Maternity Hospital is a typical example of how great the special benefits the Korean mothers receive are.
This comprehensive medical service centre delivers babies and treats gynecological disorders free of charge. Women, who are admitted to this hospital for delivery, go back home with their healthy babies after being completely cured of even the diseases they did not know. Triplets and quadruplets are presented with gold rings, silver daggers and other gifts.
The Breast Tumour Institute under this hospital conducts regular check-up of women across the country with state-of-the-art medical facilities and provides the women who are diagnosed to be suffering from mammary diseases with efficacious medicines at state expense.
The state puts forward mothers with many children in society, gives them a preferential treatment and enforces special measures for protecting them.
Recently, the state has instituted a system of conferring a certificate of the right to medical treatment to women with more than three children; as part of this measure, not only the women but also their husbands and their children, who are yet to graduate from senior middle school, can get medical service at any hospital.
Women who gave birth to many children are awarded with the title of Mother Hero.
-Cradle of Happiness for Weavers
The Pyongyang Kim Jong Suk Textile Mill has a hostel for weavers in its compound.
Ten years have passed since the hostel with an accommodation capacity for over 2 000 was built under the special care of the state.
Its living conditions are perfect.
Happy laughter of weavers singing after their worthwhile working day resounds in the workers’ hostel.
-Korean Women Enjoy Public Affection and Respect
In the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, women are enjoying special benefits of the state and commanding public affection and respect as the flower of the family and the country as they dedicate themselves to supporting their husbands to be faithful to their work, bringing up their children to be pillars of the country, and building a happy, harmonious home.