Endless Love for Posterity: DPRK

Endless Love for Posterity: DPRK
News code : ۱۵۰۳۶۴۰

General Secretary Kim Jong Un visits the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren’s Palace in May, 2014

-Held Higher than the Sky

 People usually liken the highest, the most sacred and the most precious things to the sky.

And if one says that there is someone higher than the sky, people may throw doubt on it.

Held higher than our people whom our Party regards as the sky are our children.

 This is not just the words said by a writer or a poet but the teachings of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who loves our children the most.

 At the 4th plenary meeting of the 8th Party Central Committee, Comrade Kim Jong Un solemnly declared that it is our Party’s policy and the eternal policy of our Republic to give top priority to providing new school uniforms and schoolbags for our children unconditionally and took important measures to spend a large sum of money on providing the children all across the country with new uniforms and schoolbags.

Endless Love for Posterity: DPRK

He paid so much attention to the issue of providing well-fitting uniforms for every child since they are different in height and weight.

 And when he met with senior officials of the Party Central Committee on one day of September 2022, he said that every child can be provided with well-fitting uniforms if teachers learn and take the children’s measures.

 This is how new school uniforms, school shoes, school bags and stationeries were supplied to every new primary school, high school and college student across the country during hard days of 2022 when our country faced grave challenges and threats in the midst of public health crisis caused by inflow of COVID-19 and the unprecedented political and military provocations of the hostile forces.

 There are so many stories of famous people who loved and cared for children, and not a few politicians advocate the childcare policy.

Endless Love for Posterity: DPRK

But there is no one like respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who finds happiness and honor in taking all the burdens to protect the children’s happy laughter.

 Foreign friends, therefore, said that “In capitalist society, politicians quite often advocate children’s welfare, improvement of atmosphere and quality of the education but don’t hesitate to embezzle fund for childcare, if necessary.

 But in socialist Korea, the education of younger generation is regarded as the most important state affair and children and students are provided with school uniforms, different kinds of stationeries and school bags every season.

 This is the stark contrast between the socialist Korea and the capitalist countries in their views on children.”

 Happy laughter of children, who are held higher than the sky under the warm care of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, will resonate forever.


-Warm Love

 Mother renders more love and affection to the children with illnesses and agonies, being much more concerned about them.

 The fatherly love for parentless children cherished by respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who wants to give them all possible blessings in this world grows day by day.

Endless Love for Posterity: DPRK

On July 2, 2016, he visited Pyongyang secondary boarding school, the cradle of happiness for the parentless children. With 24.05 thousands square meters of total floor space, it comprises of school buildings, gymnasium where various sports activities including swimming are available, boarding houses, etc.

 While having a bird’s eye view of the Pyongyang secondary boarding school with a broad smile, he said with satisfaction that all parts of school have been built into spaces conducive to the development of parentless children’s mental, moral and physical qualities as well as to their education and edification.

 He continued that we should do well on the affair for bringing them up into pillars of the country and taught them to improve the quality of education in line with the development trends of global education and to ensure the abundant supply of foodstuff, school things and daily necessities for them.

 Such cradles of happiness have been built all across the country thanks to the love for the future cherished by respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who tries to give them all happiness in place of their own fathers.

Endless Love for Posterity: DPRK

To provide our posterity with the best education environment even at great expense is the most important policy of our country and the greatest desire of our Party. “Let’s entrust our future to the education!” – this slogan encapsulates the grand ambition and will of our Party to build the most developed education which ensures the destiny of the state and the future development of nation.

 In our country, bringing up the posterity is a top priority and social interest and support for education stand in favor of education.

 Along with the enforcement of the universal compulsory 12-year education, sounds of children reading books are resonant in all schools, and the rising generation, the future of our fatherland, is studying to their hearts’ content in schoolchildren`s palaces and centers that are built at excellent locations of the country.

 That is why an article published on foreign internet homepage said as follows: “In Korea, there’s no such thing as school fees and everyone is studying to their heart’s content. It is actually a remarkable thing that people-oriented policies are enforced continuously and unvaryingly even in the throes of the most heinous sanctions and blockades lasting for decades.

 Thanks to the endless journey of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who is devoting his all to the bright future of the posterity, our children will enjoy all the blessings of the world and grow up to be strong pillars and talents of the socialist fatherland.


-Preschool Children of the DPRK

 In socialist Korea, all the children are growing brightly and healthily under the benefits of the state, irrespective of their parents’ jobs.

Endless Love for Posterity: DPRK

 They are singing the song “We Are the Happiest in the World” in well-furnished childcare centres equipped with everything that satisfies the needs of preschool children.

Endless Love for Posterity: DPRK

