The U.S., Provoker of the Korean War: DPRK

The U.S., Provoker of the Korean War: DPRK
News code : ۱۴۹۷۶۷۸

President Kim Il Sung delivering a radio address, titled, Go All Out for Victory in the War, to the Korean people June Juche 39 (1950)

-Truth behind the Korean War

 June 25 is the day when the Korean war (1950-1953) broke out.

 The war still has a profound impact on the situation of the Korean peninsula and beyond. Then how did it break out?

 In view of the geopolitical importance of the Korean peninsula as a military vantage point for advancing into the Asian continent, the US dispatched its armed forces to the ROK in the guise of “liberators,” following Japan’s defeat in 1945.

 In 1948, at the US National Security Council, the then US president Truman issued a directive to further expand the ROK army and provide military aid to it.

That year, the US and the ROK concluded the “tentative military and security status-of-forces agreement during the period of transition,” which put the ROK army, police, major areas and facilities under the control of the US forces.

The U.S., Provoker of the Korean War: DPRK

They deployed ROK troops in an attack formation in the area along the 38th parallel, with materiel and military hardware massed near the front.

 In January 1950, under Truman’s instructions, the US State Department and the US Joint Chiefs of Staff held a joint meeting to map out and agree on a plan to unleash the Korean war and a strategic plan for special actions at the outbreak of war, both of which were ratified by the US National Security Council on April 2.

 According to an American book on the Korean war, all preparations for an armed raid on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea were brought to completion in May 1950.

 Another book Modern History of America says that “this is the first time in US history that it is fully poised for going to war.”

 This proves that the US made the preparations for military invasion of the DPRK in a planned way.

 The US determined the D-Day, methods and order of war before launching an armed invasion of the DPRK early on June 25, 1950.

The U.S., Provoker of the Korean War: DPRK

 Referring to the reason why they set June 25 as the D-Day, Roberts, the then head of the US Military Advisory Group, said: “We have chosen the 25th and this explains our prudence. It is Sunday. It’s the Sabbath for both the United States and the ROK, both Christian states. No one will believe we have started a war on Sunday. In short, it is to make people believe that we are not the first to open a war.”

 A staff officer of the US Army Command in the Far East confessed that “the ROK army launched the war on the direct order of the general headquarters of the US forces in Japan.”

 In May 1951, MacArthur, commander-in-chief of the US Army in the Far East, said that the DPRK army was deployed in areas far from the 38th parallel and that the formation was not attack-oriented but defence-oriented. US military intelligence officers said that the People’s Army of the DPRK could not volunteer to invade because it was inferior in numbers or equipment. Such facts tell that the Korean war was started by the US.

 The US can never cover up the truth behind its provocation of the war, no matter what tricks it employs to turn black into white.


-The Korean War Denounces

 Many wars are recorded in the history of the world, but none had been so bloody and destructive as the Korean war in the 1950s.

The U.S., Provoker of the Korean War: DPRK

Having occupied south Korea by force of arms, the United States stepped up preparations for a war against north Korea, which was following the road of independence, and at the dawn of June 25, 1950 started the aggressive war to make the whole of Korea its colony.

 It hurled into the Korean front its huge forces as well as troops of 15 of its satellite countries, committing during the three-year war barbarities unprecedented in the human history of war.

 It dropped an average of 18 bombs per square kilometre on the northern half of Korea, including about 428 000 on Pyongyang, a city 52km2 wide and with a population of 370 000, which meant more than one bomb per head of its population.


The carpet bombing destroyed all the urban and rural areas, factories, railways, schools, hospitals and cultural establishments in the northern half of Korea, and reduced it to ashes.

 US troops killed 1 231 500 innocent people in the region, including women, children and the elderly, by resorting to the most cruel and brutal methods that surpassed by far those employed by Nazi Germany during the Second World War.

 And in gross violation of international law, they committed such a crime against humanity as using weapons of mass destruction like germ and

chemical weapons, and threatened that they would use atomic bombs, giving birth to many separated families.

The U.S., Provoker of the Korean War: DPRK

 When June 25, the day of the start of the war, comes round every year, the Korean people denounce the brutal atrocities the US committed during the war and its schemes to ignite another war in their country, vowing to take revenge on the enemy thousands of times.


