On the Occasion of International Children’s Day: DPRK

On the Occasion of International Children’s Day: DPRK
News code : ۱۴۸۷۶۱۹

General Secretary Kim Jong Un visiting the nursery at the Pyongyang Condiments Factory

A Wonderland of Love Where the Future of Talent Flowers

Today, various and comprehensive preschool education such as calligraphy, fast reading, paduk(go) and vocal music is on a high tide in our country, in order to find and grow talents according to tastes and aptitudes of the children.

Great efforts are devoted to the development of intellectual faculties of the children and to their early education in many kindergartens across the country such as Changgwang Kindergarten, Kyongsang Kindergarten, and Taedongmun Kindergarten, bringing up a great number of world-class musical prodigies and little young talents gifted with distinguished abilities.

There is one noteworthy thing here.

It is that the preschool education is not provided to specific kindergartens only, but it is provided in various ways to all the kindergartens of the country in the urban and rural areas and in the mountainous and plain areas, suited to the regional characteristics without any difference between the central and local areas.

On the Occasion of International Children’s Day: DPRK

True to the noble will of the respected Comrade General Secretary to open up the future of the prosperous and powerful country by developing our education into the most advanced and ideal one to which we can reliably entrust the future of the country, all the kindergartens of the country are competing with each other to grow up prodigies by applying systematic selection and proper education methods in due consideration of the talents and aptitudes of the preschool children.

Whichever kindergarten you may go, you can hear sound of musical prodigies singing songs and playing musical instruments reverberating from the sunlit windows. You can also find talents who are possessed with excellent calligraphic and fine art skills as well as young little graders of Takwondo and paduk which are permeated with the spirits of the nation.

Superb aptitude does not immediately develop into talent.

On the Occasion of International Children’s Day: DPRK

From the olden times, a flower tended by a gardener is more beautiful. Likewise, our children are fulfilling their dreams and hopes to their hearts’ content under the grateful socialist system and excellent educational environment that find good aptitude in time and show tender loving care to it, lest its buds fade away.

This is the reality of this land, a wonderland of love where the world-shaking talents of the children are flowering.


-Children Bring Their Talents into Full Play

On the Occasion of International Children’s Day: DPRKOn the Occasion of International Children’s Day: DPRK

 The following are the Mirae Nursery and its children in Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK.

On the Occasion of International Children’s Day: DPRK

 The Korean children, growing under the warm care of the state and society, bring their talents into full play from their nursery days.

- Korean Orphans Grow Up Happily

On the Occasion of International Children’s Day: DPRK

In the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, all orphans grow up cheerfully free from the sorrow of being parentless at excellent baby homes, orphanages and primary and secondary schools for orphans which have been built in various parts of the country.

On the Occasion of International Children’s Day: DPRK

 The state provides them with everything needed for their study and life, such as school uniforms, underwear, padded clothes and school things. It also covers the cost for their camping, excursions and visits. The teachers, kindergarteners, cooks and doctors at the institutes take parental care of their lives.


-Folk Games Popular among Children

On the Occasion of International Children’s Day: DPRK

There are many folk games for children in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

 In the country, children are encouraged to play folk games so as to train themselves physically and mentally and develop the habit of valuing the might of the collective. Folk games are played regularly, but on folk festivals they are organized as part of local celebrations.

On the Occasion of International Children’s Day: DPRK









