Will Qatar reconsider its mediatory role?

Will Qatar reconsider its mediatory role?
News code : ۱۴۷۱۱۴۵

Ali Bigdeli, an expert on international issues, has said that Qatar’s mediatory role in the Palestinian crisis is coming to an end due to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s obstinance.

“Over the years, this country [Qatar] has tried to show itself as a mediator between Hamas and Israel, as well as an important regional player in the Palestinian issue. In this regard, many efforts have been made by Doha, but now that Netanyahu's situation inside Israel looks very inappropriate, he is trying to exclude even Qatar from the Palestinian case and the Gaza ceasefire negotiations. In my opinion, the period of activism of Qatar, Egypt and even Saudi Arabia in this case is over,” Bigdeli wrote in an article for ILNA.

He added, “Recently, the authorities of Qatar announced that they are reconsidering their mediation in the Palestinian case, but it should be noted that Netanyahu does not pay attention not only to what Qatar says, but also to the recommendations, suggestions and even warnings of the West, including the United States, England, and Germany.”

The expert concluded, “The fact is that the situation in the region is in a very complicated situation and in this situation the political actors will also change. It seems that now it will be the turn of Lebanon's Hezbollah to face Israel seriously.”
