On the occasion of the ۱۱۲th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung;
Devoting Himself to Farming All His Life

President Kim Il Sung at a farm field
April 15, Juche 113 (2024) marks the 112th anniversary of the birth of President Kim Il Sung.
Whenever the anniversary comes round every year, the Korean people feel a great yearning for the President who devoted his whole life to the happiness of the people.
Busy as he was with leading the revolution and construction, he always made strenuous efforts to solve the food problem, the agricultural problem, for the people.
He visited farms in different parts of the country, whether they were on the reclaimed tideland along the West Sea, in the northernmost parts and even in remote mountainous regions, to discuss farm work with agricultural workers and learn about their living conditions.
The exploits he performed for the agricultural production of the country, walking on farm roads even in the last days of his life, will be remembered for ever.