US destabilizing Red Sea to provoke China: expert

US destabilizing Red Sea to provoke China: expert
News code : ۱۴۴۲۲۶۲

Reza Nasri, an expert on international relations, has said that the United States is destabilizing the Red Sea with the purpose of provoking China.

“The root cause of the problems in the Red Sea is the continuation of Israel's genocide in the Gaza Strip. It is necessary for China and Iran to cooperate to solve the root cause of this problem, and not allow the US to make the Red Sea more insecure, instead of pressuring Israel for a cease-fire, so that China is forced to intervene,” Nasri said in an exclusive interview with ILNA. 

He added, “America raised the tension in the Red Sea and Yemen to force China to intervene and mediate. It is necessary to understand this sensitivity of China inside the country and take a position accordingly.”

Nasri noted, “Iran definitely has a good relationship with the Houthis, but Ansarullah is an independent group that is active in the region. It is not possible to influence Ansarullah by threatening Iran.”

The expert stated, “If Iran wants to mediate and negotiate with the Houthis to stop their military actions in the Red Sea, it is necessary to obtain commitments from China to make more and more effective efforts to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza.”

 It is necessary to hold a comprehensive negotiation at the international level to reduce tension and prevent the spread of war, according to Nasri.
