Expert outlines Egyptian mediation between Israel,Palestine
An expert on international issues has said that the Egyptians are looking to highlight their role again in the Palestinian-Israeli case, which Tel Aviv is not too opposed to.
Jafar Ghanad Bashi told ILNA that the "National Meeting" which was held with the presence of the Palestinian resistance movements in Gaza, was basically formed under the shadow of Mahmoud Abbas's recent presence in Jenin.
Evaluating the reasons for Egypt's activatities to mediate between Palestinian groups, the expert noted that basically, Egypt has played a role as a mediator in the past and even during Hosni Mubarak's rule regarding Palestine.
“The point here is that many analysts look at the role of Cairo in the last few years with doubt. They believe that Egypt's keeping communication channels open with Israel has made the ruling government in Cairo, which is generally run by the military, intensify security cooperation with the Mossad, and this cooperation has caused some of the Palestinian resistance commanders to be directed to Israel by the Egyptians, and finally, the Tel Aviv.