West seeks ceasefire in Ukraine: Expert

West seeks ceasefire in Ukraine: Expert
News code : ۱۳۷۵۸۱۵

Iran’s former ambassador to Norway has said that undoubtedly, if Ukraine wants to use cluster munitions, Russia also would try to use unconventional weapons like chemical weapons.

Speaking to ILNA, Abdolreza Faraji Rad said that it seems that the West seeks a kind of ceasefire in the Ukraine war.

He noted that the West wants a ceasefire, but when they sit down at the negotiating table, Ukraine will not lose the war, or at least they will not have a clear winner in the current conflict.

Based on this, it seems that the provision of bombs or cluster munitions from the West to Ukraine was also made for this reason, he added.

“The fact that many countries and even the United Nations as well as some international monitoring bodies condemn the delivery of cluster bombs to Ukraine somehow leaves Russia's hand free in terms of military and political actions,” he said.
