On the Occasion of the 29th Demise Anniversary of President Kim Il Sung: DPRK

Kim Il Sung, Eternal President of the DPR Korea
-Foresight of Great Man
On July 8, President Kim Il Sung, the founder of the socialist Korea passed away. On this occasion, we are recalling with deep emotion the farsighted wisdom of the peerlessly great man.
Socialism of our own style is now growing in force to the world’s amazement even under a difficult time of history. This is unthinkable apart from the foresight of President Kim Il Sung who put forward the most correct and scientific lines at every stage of development of the revolution.
In the first period of building the country, he put forward the Juche-oriented line on state building with his far-sighted wisdom and foresight.
According to this line, people’s democratic state was born in our country for the first time in its 5,000-year-long history, and the DPRK has vigorously advanced along the invariable track for over 70 years since its founding,
When everything was destroyed in our country due to the 3-year war provoked by the U.S., President Kim Il Sung put forward a unique line of economic construction to give priority to the growth of heavy industry while developing light industry and agriculture simultaneously.
Upholding this line, our people finished the reconstruction in 3 years though the U.S. babbled that our country would not be able to get to its feet even in 100 years. They also created a heroic legend of accomplishing the historic cause of socialist industrialization in a short period of 14 years.
In the middle of the 20th century, when the big powers persistently pressurized our country into joining the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON), he consistently adhered to the line of building independent national economy.
As a result, a solid foundation for independent economy was laid in our country, capable of overcoming all sorts of “sanctions” and “blockade” from outside forces.
In the late 20th century, when several countries building socialism attached importance to only economic development and neglected political and ideological work with people, President Kim Il Sung, foreseeing its consequences, gave priority to the ideological work and the reforming of people in our country.
His farsighted wisdom was proven once again when socialism collapsed one after another in several countries. Those countries underwent all difficulties due to the neglect of ideological work while advocating almighty economy principle and materialism. But only in our country the banner of socialism unfurled even higher.
Indeed, the amazing reality of socialism of our own style which is winning victory after victory throughout centuries is the due fruition of the foresight of President Kim Il Sung who put forward and invariably applied the scientific lines and policies including the line of independence, self-sufficiency and self-reliant defense.
Thanks to the far-sighted wisdom and foresight of President Kim Il Sung, people-centered socialism of our own style advanced along the road of self-development, even in the face of the winds and waves of the times. Today, under the outstanding and seasoned leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who holds up higher the policy of three revolutions of ideology, technology, and culture, we have entered a new turning point of the overall development of socialist construction, and our country is shining all over the world as a powerful Juche-oriented socialism.
-Silk Mill Tells a Story of Love
One’s memory fades with the passage of the time.
However, there is one thing that gets stronger in the hearts of our people even in the lapse of time. It is the growing yearning for President Kim Il Sung.
Our people still have unforgettable memory of President Kim Il Sung who dedicated his whole life to the good care of our people with boundless love just like the sun shedding light and warmth of revival to every creation on the earth.
There are many stories of love recorded by the great President that our people still recollect with warm feelings. Among them, there is also an everlasting story recorded at Pyongyang Silk Mill (at that time).
On one day in January 1962, President Kim Il Sung visited the Pyongyang Silk Mill. The accompanying officials asked him not to go into the hot-steaming working place, because the steam was rising from the pipes which were under repair. But, despite their dissuasion, he entered the place.
He said with regret that the officials wouldn’t have left the situation as it is if they had paid attention to the workers. He said that the workers must be provided with good working conditions and suggested to build a new decent mill. He immediately chose the site for the construction and even opened a consultative meeting to hear the opinions from the workers, owners of the mill.
At the meeting, he taught down to the smallest detail on all the issues arising in provision of working conditions for workers. He said that the new mill must be well designed and built high and that it should be ventilated to draw out the steam to prevent hotness in summer.
As if it were not enough, President Kim Il Sung said good amenities should be provided for workers, which include bathroom, dressing room, hostel, dining room, nursery, kindergarten etc.
He then said that we should spare no expense for workers. He spoke warmly that we should calculate the construction expenses after we provide everything possible for the workers.
This was how the new silk mill outfitted with excellent working and living conditions for the workers was built splendidly on this land, thanks to the lofty intention and boundless love of President Kim Il Sung who believed that there should be no calculation when it comes to the work for people.
The road of devotion for the people trodden by President Kim Il Sung is now being continued by respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un built a hostel for workers which provides all-round living conditions in the Pyongyang Kim Jong Suk Silk Mill. He personally visited the hostel on January 8, 2017, the meaningful day. He was very pleased as the workers can work without any inconvenience and enjoy civilized lives to their hearts’ content. He earnestly told the officials that they, before production, should give priority to finding out and solving the problems in workers’ life and that excellent living conditions would soon lead to high output.
The story of love for the people will continue forever on this land, as we are blessed, generation after generation, with great leaders who regard the people as heaven.
-Our President and Children
From old times, loving children has been regarded as the noblest of all human virtues. But no one has ever put so great love and devotion into children as President Kim Il Sung did. He even looked far ahead into the future when caring for children.
Our people still cherish the benevolent image of the President who smiled brightly like the sun when he was with children. The President considered children as kings and queens of the country. He spared nothing for children and took great pleasure in spending his time with them.
One April day 40-odd years ago, the President, having taken measures to provide all the children across the country with a complete set of school uniform, cap, ribbon, socks, stockings, shoes, etc., visited the then Yonphung senior middle school in Anju City to see the students in their new school uniforms.
The school yard resembled a beautiful flower garden with the students dressed in new stylish uniforms of various colors.
With a bright smile on his face, the President looked at the students laughing with happiness, and said over and over again that it was the happiest day in his 60-year-long life. He put everything aside the whole day and spent long hours taking photographs of the children in their new school uniforms.
The happy faces of the children, broadly smiling like flowers in the photographs personally taken by the President that day, reflected not only their happiness of receiving new school uniforms but also the ever bright and promising future of the country under the noble love of the peerlessly great man.
Endowed with such boundless love for children, President Kim Il Sung saw to it that the pencil issue was discussed as the first item on the agenda at the first session of North Korean Provisional People's Committee. There is also a deeply moving story of President Kim Il Sung personally raising an orphan at the supreme headquarters during the fierce Fatherland Liberation War that would decide the destiny of the country.
The legendary history of the love for the future, permeated in the whole life of President Kim Il Sung, continues to be written by respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who resembles the President in all aspects.
As we have respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who takes care of all the children across the country in his benevolent embrace and devotes his love and affection to them just as President Kim Il Sung did, the happy laughter and the singing voices of children will reverberate forever on this land.