Blessed Children: DPRK

General Secretary Kim Jong Un Provides Field Guidance to Songdowon International Children's Camp
-Children’s Palace, Children’s Hotel
The picturesque Songdowon International Children’s Camp is located on the east coast of Korea. It is such an excellent location with a view of translucent blue sea. The camp always resounds with happy laughter and singing of our Children’s Union members.
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said that the country brightens and the society overflows with warm affection when children’s laughter grows louder. And he took all the benevolent measures to reconstruct the Songdowon International Children’s Camp as befits the requirements of the new century.
It was nine years ago on April 20, 2014 when respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited the camp, upon receiving the report that reconstruction of the camp was completed.
Though he was busy with other state affairs he spent long hours at the camp looking around every corner of its interior and exterior including the theater in the children’s hall of international friendship, video games room, library, international friendship room, Children’s Union meeting room, talent exhibition room and 3-D rhythmic movie theater. He was very satisfied with all of them.
He was also very pleased to see “We are the Happiest in the World” slogan and appraised that the bedrooms, dining rooms and service amenities, as well as the kitchens in the camp buildings No. 1 and No. 2, were all built to children’s liking, and that cooking practice room was well furnished to suit the Party’s intention so that the children could try cooking by themselves.
Afterwards, he sent to the finely reconstructed camp more than 860 pieces of fittings of more than 40 kinds including various cultural goods, cooking devices, gymnastic apparatus, computers etc., hoping to bring up the children – the kings and queens of the country- into reliable pillars of the country who are knowledgeable, virtuous and healthy. He also gave detailed teachings about the matters related to the camp management.
He also directed his attention lest the members of the Children’s Union feel slightest discomfort as they travel to and from the camp. Thus, he took the considerate measure of building an exclusive railroad and exclusive railway station for the camp between the Songdowon Railway Station and Segil(meaning Three-way) Railway Station in order to provide the campers with full convenience.
Thanks to the direct initiative and meticulous guidance of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, the Songdowon International Children’s Camp assumed a completely changed look as befits the children’s hotel and children’s palace unparalleled in the world. Today, in the Songdowon International Children’s Camp, the members of the Children’s Union are enjoying the camp life singing the song “We are the happiest in the world”. They are savouring every moment of camp life, full of joy and happiness to be cherished forever.
Foreign children who enjoyed camping in the Songdowon International Children’s Camp said that no other country has such a system that spares nothing for posterity, and that they got to know well about the love for future of Marshal Kim Jong Un and his greatness as they looked around the campsite.
The peal of laughter and singing voices are now issuing forth from the Songdowon International Children’s Camp built on the far-off sand beach under the warm love of our Party, the Party that translates the beautiful dreams and ideals of young hearts into reality. The laughter and singing will resound forever, handing down the noble love for future of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who places the upbringing of children above all other state and Party affairs.
-A Factory More Important than Nuclear Weapons Plant
Our country is further strengthening national nuclear forces both in quality and quantity against ever-increasing politico-military provocations of hostile forces aimed at infringing upon our sovereignty and dignity. Such being the situation, people wouldn’t easily believe if there is a factory in our Republic which is more important than the one that makes nuclear weapons.
That is the Mindulle (dandelion) Notebook Factory which was built by the noble love for future cherished by respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.
There is a touching story telling how this factory became more important than the one that makes nuclear weapons, one of the indices determining the strategic position of a country.
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un personally initiated the construction of a notebook factory for our children and schoolchildren and solved all the problems arising in its construction. Then, he visited the newly-built Mindulle Notebook Factory on April 18, 2016.
He acquainted in detail with the notebook production while looking around sample display room, room dedicated to the history of the factory, printing workshop and bookbinding workshop. He expressed satisfaction all along as he was very pleased over the fact that our children and schoolchildren can be provided with high-quality notebooks.
Saying that we have built a modern notebook factory at the time when the sanctions of enemies reached to extremes, he continued that it stands as a clear testimony to our Party’s policy on education of future generations. He proudly said that the Mindulle Notebook Factory is the one that implemented the behests of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, our Party pays much attention to this factory, and that this factory is his notebook factory.
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un solved all the problems arising in the production of notebooks such as expanding the production capacity, supplying enough raw materials and resources for production and improving the level of technique and skills of employees. Saying that the notebooks produced at this factory brings the future of our country, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said that the future thriving Korea belongs to our children who would grow up into the pillars of the country, using these notebooks. Then he warmly said that the Mindulle Notebook Factory, in this sense, can be regarded as a factory more important than the nuclear weapons plant.
Before leaving the factory, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un earnestly said that officials and employees of the factory should do their best for the production of notebooks with the same hearts of mothers who bind notebooks for their lovely children.
“A factory more important than nuclear weapons plant”, “with the hearts of mothers who bind notebooks for their lovely children”. These words encapsulate the noble view on posterity and future cherished by respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who regards the future generations as the most precious treasure of the country, and as the entirety of hope and future.
Thanks to the fraternal love of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who desires to provide our children and schoolchildren with the best conditions and environment for education in the world, the Mindulle Notebook Factory is now continuing to produce high-quality notebooks even in the throes of the worst ever difficulties in history.
-Paternal Love
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un cherishes and loves the children most in the world and gives them all the fatherly affection. His warm love for the children is also permeated in the modernly-built Okryu Children’s Hospital.
The modern and advanced Okryu Children’s Hospital, a palace of love and home of welfare, was constructed by the personal initiative of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in October, 2013. He personally selected the site of the construction and assumed the role of the designer, supervisor and builder.
The hospital provides all the necessary facilities for the children including “education room for kindergarteners”, “primary school classroom” and “middle school classroom” so that they can receive medical care free from cares and worries and study to their satisfaction.
On March 21, 2014, 9 years ago, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited the hospital in person to check on its operation and treatment of the children though he was busy with the many affairs of the state.
He asked the hospital staff which medicine is lacking most in treatment and prevention of illnesses, and what the common illness of the children is. He also asked whether there is any broken equipment after the inauguration of the hospital and inquired in detail with fatherly love on other matters arising in the daily operation of the hospital.
After receiving a detailed report on medical treatment and operation of hospital from the staff of the hospital, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un sincerely said that even though the food situation of our country is tight, the child in-patients should be provided with enough food and meat. Then he took benevolent measures of providing the hospital with means of transportation and equipment needed for hospital’s operation.
He warmly said that that the medical workers of the hospital must bear in mind the noble will of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, who loved the children throughout their life, and perform the medical service with high sense of responsibility as well as warm devotion, so that the Okryu Children’s Hospital become a hospital that promotes the health of our children and proves in practice that our Party’s healthcare policy is the one that truly serves our people, rather than a mere propaganda hospital.
Indeed, the Okryu Children’s Hospital is the very representation of the noble love for future generations cherished by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who regards the care for children as happiness, rather than trouble, no matter how hard it may be.
That is why foreign friends who witnessed our children’s happiness expressed their excited feeling as follows: Today I can truly understand why the Korean children are called “kings” and “queens” of the country; if I have a chance to be born again, I wish to be born as a Korean child; Korean children are the happiest children in the world.
The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un regards our children as the most the most precious treasures of priceless worth and the entirety of hope and future, and renders his unstinting paternal love for posterity. Thanks to his noble view on posterity and future, the future looks promising for our children who enjoy every bliss in the socialist paradise.