Expert outlines reasons for suspension of Iraqi Sadrists' activities

An expert on Iraq has said that Muqtada al-Sadr has been acting based on a vague and incomprehensible scenario since the past.
In the current situation in Iraq, Muqtada al-Sadr is placed in a negative and inappropriate environment, Mohammad Saleh Sedqiyan told ILNA.
Some believe that the leader of the Sadrist movement is seeking temporary seclusion by shutting down the activities of the political group under his supervision, but the second opinion shows that he is seeking to redefine the activities of the Sadrist movement with a new scenario at a specific time, he explained.
The fact is that Muqtada al-Sadr has been acting based on a vague and incomprehensible scenario since the past, he said, adding that is why no one can definitively say what is going on in Sadr's mind.
Another thing that happened in the meantime and in some way may be considered as Muqtada al-Sadr's motivation is the developments that have emerged at the regional level, one of which is the normalization of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, he said.
“In the end, I believe that Sadr is looking for this suspension to be able to advance the situation based on what he has in mind, but still, I don't think any of his actions are clear,” he noted.