Among the Working Class

Kim Il Sung talking with workers at the Kangson Steel Plant in September Juche 51 (1962)
President Kim Il Sung devoted his all to the sacred cause of the freedom and emancipation of the people.
In the early days of his revolutionary struggle, he adopted it as the motto of his life and struggle that, if they believe in the people and rely on them at all times, the revolutionaries shall always emerge victorious, and that if they are forsaken by them, they will always fail.
Always mixing himself with the working people, he shared weal and woe with them, formulated policies by reflecting their opinions and led the Korean revolution along the road of victory by enlisting their strength and wisdom.
Rain or shine, he visited factories in various parts of the country, acquainting himself with their working and living conditions, training them into the most revolutionary working masses, builders of the country, and rousing their spiritual strength.
Under his leadership the working class of the DPRK brought about epoch-making transformations, leading a dignified life as masters of their factories and their country.
Today under the guidance of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un they are working miracles in building theirs into a powerful socialist country cherishing the honour of being the working class of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, and exalting the brilliance of the immortal exploits performed by Kim Il Sung.