Bright Future of DPRK

General Secretary Kim Jong Un has photo session with Delegates to 9th Congress of Korean Children’s Union in Pyongyang, DPRK
-By Dint of Affection for Rising Generation
In December last year the Ninth Congress of the Korean Children’s Union was held on a large scale in Pyongyang, the capital city of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It was a meaningful occasion that demonstrated the mettle of members of the KCU who are growing up as future pillars of the socialist Korea, as well as an occasion that made the whole world realize by dint of what the country vibrates and why its future is promising.
In this world there are quite a few countries that are proud of developed economy and enormous military capability, but they are experiencing a trouble with the generations who are ill-prepared to shoulder their future.
The harder the situation is, the greater devotion the DPRK directs to the rising generation, advancing vigorously towards its communist future by dint of affection for them.
“Love the future!”–this slogan permeates the country that advances by dint of this affection.
An example is a law on bringing up the rising generation.
In early February last year the Law of the DPRK on Childcare was adopted at the Sixth Session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly. The law defines that its mission is to contribute to carrying out the childcare policy of the state by establishing a strict system and order in the production and supply of nutritious foodstuffs for children and in the creation of conditions for caring for them. It gives solutions to the problems arising in setting up a well-regulated system of producing and supplying those foods to children, supplying dairy products and other nutritious foodstuffs to them free of charge and on a regular basis, and creating best conditions for caring for them. What is noteworthy in the law is the fact that it stipulates it as an important communist policy to care for the children as an undertaking involving the whole state and society and to bring them up at the expense of the state and society.
As a matter of fact, it is not something easy for any country to enshrine in law the problems to be solved in bringing up its children and carry it on resolutely.
The DPRK, at this point when it is aspiring after comprehensive development of its socialist construction, is faced with many urgent problems in developing its economy and improving the people’s standard of living.
However, the law was born thanks to the affection of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea and the state for the rising generation, which regard it as their top-priority policy and a most cherished undertaking to create better childcare conditions even if it would mean spending a huge sum of money.
For the thoroughgoing implementation of the law, the Party and government organs have launched full steam the work of supplying dairy products and other nutritious foodstuffs to children on a regular basis and creating excellent conditions for nursing them.
The appearance of the DPRK advancing by dint of affection for the rising generation can be seen through its stubborn implementation of the policies related to them irrespective of conditions and situation.
The trials and difficulties it has faced over the past ten years were unprecedented in its history, but under the concern and care of the Party and state all the things needed for feeding, clothing and teaching the children have been produced and supplied in sufficient amounts, and the sounds of singing and reading rang out at nurseries, kindergartens and schools.
The country views that slowing down one step in the education of the rising generation means a ten-step, nay one-hundred-step, delay in its advance, and that this education cannot be slighted nor neglected even a moment.
Last year the freshers at all levels of schools across the country were supplied with new-style school uniforms, footwear and satchels; notebooks and other school things were supplied to all the children and students, including those in far-flung islands; all the orphans across the country received padded coats and winter sportswear and footwear; commuter buses, trains and ships for schoolchildren ran regularly.
In particular, when the whole country was locked down by region and unit after Covid-19 entered the territory of the country, the supply of formula and rice powder for babies was discussed as an issue of national concern and relevant measures were taken to supply them even to those in the remote mountain villages.
Merry laughter of the children and their beautiful dreams accelerate the advance of a country and reflect its bright future.
The children in socialist Korea are learning to their heart’s content and nourishing their hopes.
Though the hostile forces are resorting to every conceivable means to check its advance and development, the country is training all the schoolchildren to be pillars, who would shoulder its future; modern schools and bases for extracurricular education have sprung up in various parts of the country, and the whole society renders assistance to education; orphans in baby homes, orphanages and primary and secondary schools are growing up optimistically, uprightly and stoutly without experiencing the sorrow of being bereft of their parents; and the schoolchildren in the disaster-stricken areas go to camps while the projects for rehabilitating their dear home villages are under way. These scenes can be witnessed only in the DPRK that regards affection for the rising generation as a top priority.
In this world many children are suffering from poverty, disease and disputes, fall prey to human trafficking, or are on the road to take refuge somewhere they do not know with adults.
In contrast, the children in the DPRK are growing up cheerfully and vigorously, and their laughter and singing is adding to the delight, pleasure and optimism in the whole country.
The world cannot but be struck with wonder and admiration by this reality.
-Course of KCU’s Development and Future of the DPRK
In late December last year, amid the great interest of the whole country, the Ninth Congress of the Korean Children’s Union was held in a grand style in Pyongyang, the capital city of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. When one studies the course of development of the KCU, one can get a glimpse into the future of KCU members and of their country.
KCU with 70-Year History
On June 6, 1946, 77 years ago, a joint meeting of children’s organizations in Pyongyang for founding the Korean Children’s Union was held in the capital city of Pyongyang.
It was when nine months had passed since the Workers’ Party of Korea was founded on October 10, 1945 and when less than one year had passed since the country was liberated from the Japanese military occupation (1905-1945) on August 15, 1945.
Kim Il Sung (1912-1994), the eternal President of the country, attended the joint meeting, and said that success or failure of the country would be decided according to how much efforts the students and children put in, and earnestly asked them to become masters of the country who love their motherland and people only, run factories, manage schools and build culture.
Then, the history of the KCU began, and a radical change was brought about in the life of KCU members.
Regarding KCU work as an important undertaking that has a bearing on the future of the country and nation, Kim Il Sung always showed close concern about it. On important occasions on the road of the Republic’s development, he had the KCU congresses arranged, and lavished all kinds of affection and benevolence on its members. In June 1994, the last year of his life, he had the Fifth Congress of the KCU held in a grand way, sent a letter of congratulation to the participants in the congress, and had a photo session with them.
Chairman Kim Jong Il (1942-2011), inheriting the ideas and cause of the President, took every possible measure for bringing KCU members up into masters of the socialist Korea, and had the Sixth Congress of the KCU held in Pyongyang on a grand scale in June 2006.
Sure Guarantee for the Future of the Country
Today the KCU has greeted the heyday of its development thanks to the affection of Kim Jong Un, President of the State Affairs of the DPRK, for the rising generations.
Slowing down one step in the education of the younger generation means a ten-step, nay one-hundred-step, delay in the advance of the country; we must not consider economic value if it were for the benefit of coming generations; only when all the KCU members grow up stoutly into excellent sons and daughters of their socialist motherland, can the national power grow unquenchable and our future become brighter–this is a view on the rising generations cherished by Kim Jong Un, President of the State Affairs of the DPRK, and basis of his affection for the future.
His view on the younger generation opened a new chapter of history of affection for them in the past decade.
He made it a tradition to celebrate the founding anniversary of the KCU on a large scale every year, and participated in the KCU congresses and its joint national meetings, where he delivered speeches of congratulation, enjoyed artistic performances with the delegates and posed for photos with them. When the Ninth Congress of the KCU was held last year he sent a letter to the participants in the congress, had a photo session with them on the New Year’s Day and gave them gifts. One day he saw games of young football players at the Songdowon International Children’s Camp; another day he called on a family that had moved into a new flat and gave his blessing to the young boys of the family; and still another day when he visited a children’s union camp he sent for the schoolchildren, who had left for mountain hiking, and waited long for them before posing for a photo with them.
His love for the younger generation is reflected in the numerous architectural structures that have sprung up in the country.
Under his meticulous guidance, the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren’s Palace was renovated into a fantastic structure, and the Songdowon International Children’s Camp, which is located on the picturesque eastern coast, was rebuilt into a structure fully furnished with all necessary conditions. In different parts of the country baby homes, orphanages, and primary and secondary schools for orphans were built and schoolchildren’s palaces and camps were built or renovated. Factories which specialize in producing students’ bags, notebooks and other school supplies were built in different parts of the country.
Enjoying Kim Jong Un’s warm affection, KCU members are growing up into dependable pillars and a reserve for the Korean revolution, who will shoulder the future of socialist Korea. Bright and promising is the future of the country which is advancing by dint of his affection for them.
-“Let’s Always Be Ready!”
In late December 2022 the Ninth Congress of the Korean Children’s Union was held to discuss and decide on important issues for strengthening and developing the organization.
The congress discussed the issues of preparing all KCU members into dependable pillars by encouraging them to study hard, participate in the organizational life sincerely and take an active part in do-good-deeds movements.
Through the KCU life, the Korean children appreciate how precious their collective and comrades are and learn how to devote themselves for the development of their country and society. Holding high the slogan, “Let us learn for Korea!” they are preparing themselves into reliable pillars of their country by studying hard and acquiring noble moral traits and sturdy physique.
“Let’s always be ready for the socialist homeland!”–this is the aspiration of KCU members.