On Mother’s Day : DPRK

General Secretary Kim Jong Un gives field guidance to the Pyongyang Cosmetics Factory
-Beauty-Dream of Women
Beauty is a dream of every woman and it gives pleasure, joy and happiness to people.
From time immemorial, humankind has made cosmetics from the substances such as charcoal and natural pigments that are extracted from flowers and leaves of plants, and used them to become more beautiful.
Today, people’s demand for beauty is increasing day by day. With this, cosmetics are so much patronized by people as one of their daily necessities. Their kinds and varieties are being diversified as well.
Many cosmetics factories have been built in every part of our country as well under the warm love of the great men who are determined to make our people most beautiful in the world. These factories are producing a large quantity of high-quality cosmetics that satisfy the ever-increasing demand for civilization and give our women lofty, graceful and elegant beauty that is peculiar to the Korean woman.
“Unhasu” (galaxy) is one of our women’s favorite cosmetics brands.
In February 2015, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited Pyongyang Cosmetics Factory. Saying that he would help to completely change the appearance of the factory into a world-level modernized one, he gave detailed guidance on the design of logo and trademark as well as on the blueprint for the factory’s reconstruction.He also took measures for the formation of strong construction and sci-tech forces and for the supply of building materials.
This does not end here. In order to widen the insight of officials and workers of the factory, he sent them many cosmetics of world famous brands.
On October 28, 2017, he visited again Pyongyang Cosmetics Factory which was newly rebuilt.
He was so pleased to see a wide variety of cosmetics with high quality and nice containers and package boxes produced by the factory. He proudly said that he could realize our women’s dream to become more beautiful and that he was so glad to think of our women and our people who will be so happy receiving these cosmetics.
On that day, he gave a clear answer to the issues arising in the production of cosmetics, including the issue of putting the production process on a germ-free and dust-free basis, the issue of diversifying the cosmetics as the consumer group is increasing steadily from women to men, young people, and old people, as well as the issue of producing more cosmetics that can compete with the world.
Under such meticulous guidance and care of the fatherly leader, Pyongyang Cosmetics Factory has now turned into a model and standard for the country’s cosmetics factories which produces in large scale a wide variety of best-quality cosmetics including skin protection cosmetics and other functional cosmetics, make-ups, hairdressing and cleansing cosmetics.
In 2019, 25 kinds of “Unhasu” cosmetics were certified by the Eurasia Economic Union.
People, looking at our women who are happy to buy fragrant “Unhasu” cosmetics at the department store, cannot refrain from thinking with deep emotion the world of love and devotion made by Comrade Kim Jong Un to make women’s beauty more graceful.
Our women will become more beautiful together with “Unhasu” cosmetics and their beauty will add to the families and the society optimism, emotion and confidence in future.
-Pomhyanggi-brand Cosmetics
Pomhyanggi-brand products of the Sinuiju Cosmetics Factory of the DPRK are very popular among women for their quick functions and remarkable effects in terms of suction of skin, moisturizing, whitening, facial treatment, nutrition and anti-aging.
-Women in the DPRK
The development of a society is unthinkable separated from the role of women as there is no world without women.
The editor-in-chief of Social Education, a magazine of Belarus, wrote in Women in the Democratic Korea, a book he published in 2017:
I wrote this book to introduce the policy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on women. The reason is that the DPRK has put the issue of women in the state policy and achieved great successes in this regard.
In the DPRK women are said to be in charge of turning one of the two wheels of the revolution.
In the country women participate free from restriction in the state administration including elections to power organs and have the right to elect and to be elected irrespective of their occupation, property status and education.
Many of them including labour innovators are elected to the Supreme People’s Assembly and other levels of power organs and have their say in discussions on state affairs.
Special importance is given to talented women and women officials; the ratio of women who hold important positions in various fields and units including state economic institutions and establishments of science, education, public health and culture is increasing remarkably.
There are many examples of the state and social benefits for women.
The Pyongyang Maternity Hospital is a comprehensive medical service base for women, which provides them free of charge with all the medical assistance necessary for delivery and the treatment of their diseases.
When they go back home with their healthy babies, they are pleased to have been cured of the diseases which they themselves are not aware they have.
The state gives gold rings or silver daggers to triplets and their parents as gifts.
The Breast Tumor Institute of the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital inaugurated ten years ago specializes in treatment of women’s diseases including breast cancer with its cutting-edge equipment and expensive medicines. Its treatment is also free.
The DPRK provides women with the right to work and special treatment.
Those with several children work for less hours for the same pay as others and are provided with relevant monthly allowances and dwelling houses preferentially. Women are never allowed to do labour-consuming and unhealthy jobs.
Women are granted maternity leave in addition to regular holidays and provided with relevant allowances before and after delivery. Even the title of Hero is awarded to the woman who has many children.
As there are nurseries, kindergartens, children’s hospitals and other necessary facilities, women have little inconvenience in their work. Children are brought up at the state expense and this is regarded as something natural and normal.
Under public attention, children grow up at nurseries and kindergartens built in all the towns, rural communities, factories and villages.
If you visit the country, you will see lively images of women and facilities for them wherever you go, and this will give you a better understanding of the policy of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea and the state for the sake of women.
The director of a medical research institute of Myanmar wrote in his note of impression as follows: The Western propaganda on the DPRK is fraught with contradictions and falsities; my visit to the country corrected my understanding of it; the DPRK I saw was the country free of terrorist attack and unstable elements like violence against women.