Poll: 80 Percent of Americans Think Opposing Party Will Destroy Country

Poll: 80 Percent of Americans Think Opposing Party Will Destroy Country
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With less than three weeks away from Election Day, voters are showing sky-high interest in this year's midterm elections in the US. According to the latest NBC News poll, a majority of Americans believe this election is "more important" than previous ones.

Some 80 percent of Americans believe that their opposing political party poses a threat to the country, and if not stopped, will destroy it. The poll indicates nearly two-thirds of Americans would still vote along party lines even if their candidate had a moral failing that wasn't consistent with their own values.

Political analyst and Dillard University Professor Dr. Robert Collins told Newsweek that this election "is being driven by fear rather than optimism. Voter enthusiasm seems high on both sides with negative partisanship driving up turnout. That's what is interesting about this cycle," Newsweek reported.

Another finding that stands out is the "anger" Republicans and Democrats show when asked what message they'd like to send with their vote, NBC News reported Sunday.

Overall, top priorities for voters this midterm cycle have been centered around the economy. A poll released last week by Morning Consult and Politico showed that 42 percent of Americans' top concerns are economic issues like taxes, wages, jobs, and unemployment. Women's issues like abortion, birth control, and equal pay seem to be taking a back seat this election cycle with just 14 percent of Americans showing it to be a top concern.

Collins said, "Abortion was a hot button issue right when the Dobbs decision came down, and then at the time you saw a spike in interest. An increase in voter registration for women voters. If the election happened right then, the Democrats would have been in good shape. Once emotions calm down the issue becomes not as top of mind. Democrats should emphasize that issue to a higher degree, they cannot win on economy and cannot win on crime".

According to the NBC News poll, 77 percent of Americans trust that their vote will be accurately counted this election. This shows an uptick in confidence from previous elections, as 60 percent of Americans believed US President Joe Biden won the presidency legitimately, compared to 33 percent who say he did not.

While this poll shows the president's approval rating remains at 45 percent, 71 percent of voters believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. NBC News says it is the sixth poll they have conducted that the "wrong track" has been higher than 70 percent.
