Expert outlines Russia and Turkey reasons for exporting gas to Europe

An expert on the Caucasus region has said the permanent peace deal between Armenia and Azerbaijan can be part of a scenario in which Turkey plays a role as the gas exporter because in this situation crises aren't good for the Russians.
Commenting on the deal between Russia and Turkey on the establishment of a center for exporting gas from Turkey to Europe, Ghasem Momeni said that this cooperation has two main reasons.
He explained these two reasons in an exclusive interview with ILNA and said that Turkey after this cooperation can gain more economic, security, and political benefits and also can meet its needs for energy.
The analyst also noted that the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia started with a green light from Russia to Baku from the beginning and now once again this is Russia that has the final say.
Accordingly, the permanent peace deal between Armenia and Azerbaijan can be part of a scenario in which Turkey plays a role as the gas exporter because in this situation crises are not good for the Russians, he emphasized.
He also expressed his concern about Iran’s role in these projects and said that unfortunately Iran isn’t involved in any of these cases and no positions have been defined for Iran.
Pay attention that it is planned for Iran to construct two gas pipelines in Iran’s northern borders one of them shows the agreement between Russia and Turkey and the other one is the South Caucasus pipeline that is planned to enter Turkey through Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan, the expert outlined.