U.S., War Incendiary and Enemy of Peace: DPRK

A mass rally takes place in Pyongyang on June 25, 2022 on the lapse of 72 years since the U.S. imperialists ignited a war against the DPRK.
-No Statute of Limitations for War Crimes Committed by U.S. During the Korean War (1)
To stifle our Republic at its birth and realize the wild ambition of world hegemony, the U.S. ignited the Korean War - the most brutal and destructive war that burned the entire Korean peninsula into ashes and massacred innocent civilians.
At dawn of June 25, 1950, the Korean War broke out. Since the first day of the war, the U.S. imperialists launched unprecedentedly brutal and indiscriminate bombing raids on Pyongyang, urban and rural areas and fishing villages in the northern half of the Republic by mobilizing “B-29” and various kinds of warplanes and warships.
During the whole period of the war, the Air Corps of the U.S. Air Force flied 800,000 sorties, and the U.S. Marine Corps and the Air Corps of the U.S. Air Force flied more than 250,000 sorties in the skies of the northern half of the Republic. And they dropped almost 600,000 tons of bombs which amount to 3.7 times of the bombs dropped on the Japanese land during the Pacific War.
This was indeed an indiscriminate bombing. They dropped bombs which is equivalent to an average of 18 bombs on one square kilometer.
In Pyongyang City, the U.S. completely destroyed the factories, enterprises, educational, medical and service facilities as well as dwelling houses by dropping more than 428,000 bombs in more than 1,400 sorties. Especially, on July 11 and 12, 1952, about 400 planes of the U.S. Force dropped 6,000-odd napalm and time bombs, killing more than 8,000 women, the elderlies and children.
Every excellent heritage of national culture which our people had created throughout the thousands-year-long history was also wrecked. Among them are Yongmyong Temple and Pubyok Pavilion in Pyongyang city, Tongmyong Pavilion in Songchon, Jangan Pavilion and Phyohun Temple on Mt. Kumgang.
From January to June, 1951, many cultural facilities like Moranbong theatre, Pyongyang national theatre in Pyongyang city, Hamhung cinema and Wonsan city library were devastated. From January to November, 1952, more than 200 school buildings were reduced to ashes.
On November 8, 1950, more than 100 U.S. bombers appeared in the sky over Sinuiju and frantically poured down bombs, resulting in about 8,900 houses destroyed, over 9,000 citizens killed and 3,155 people injured. And they conducted ceaseless bombings in northern half of the Republic including Hungnam, Nampho and Ranam as well as the liberated regions in the southern half.
Besides, the U.S. aggressors dispatched many warships to the East and West Sea of Korea and bombarded from these ships every day. In this way, they massacred innocent people in the coastal cities and regions including Wonsan, Chongjin and Haeju.
The peaceful cities, many power stations and reservoirs such as Suphung power station, Jangjingang power station, Taebongsan reservoir were destroyed by barbarous bombing and shelling by the U.S. imperialists. This also resulted in destruction of most of the main industrial facilities in Nampho, Wonsan and North and South Hamgyong province.
Brutal bombing and shelling committed by the U.S. imperialists against peaceful cities, rural areas and residents constitute flagrant violations of universally recognized war law including the “Convention on Bombing by Naval Force in Time of War” and “Regulation on Air Combat”.
-No Statute of Limitations for War Crimes Committed by U.S. During the Korean War (2)
During the Korean War, the U.S. wantonly violated the international law such as the “Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949” and committed war crime of indiscriminately massacring innocent people by using most brutal methods in human history.
When the U.S. imperialists temporarily occupied some areas of the northern half of the Republic, they brutally killed innocent people from all walks of life including officials of Party, power organs and working people’s organizations, workers, farmers, officers, youth and even men of religion, regardless of their gender or age, using the most cold-blooded methods beyond human imagination. The methods include burying alive, burning to death, drowning in rivers and seas, cutting in pieces to death with a straw cutter, skinning to death, dismembering to death, etc.
Lots of innocent inhabitants were mercilessly killed by all sorts of cruel methods. Over 15, 000 inhabitants were killed in Pyongyang, over 35, 000 in Sinchon, 19, 072 in Anak, over 13, 000 in Unryul, over 6, 000 in Haeju, 5, 998 in Pyoksong, 5, 545 in Songhwa, 5, 131 in Unchon, over 5, 000 in Anju, 3, 429 in Taetan, 2, 450 in Yonan, over 1, 400 in Jaeryong, 1, 199 in Jangyon, over 5, 290 in Pyongsan, 1, 385 in Tosan, 1, 293 in Pongsan, over 1, 000 in Songrim, 1, 342 in Kaechon, over 1, 200 in Sunchon, over 1, 400 in Pakchon and over 1, 560 in Cholwon.
Besides, the U.S. imperialists slaughtered more than 4, 000 people at the temporary Taedong bridge (the present Taedonggang bridge) and on the ice of the River Taedong and over 30, 000 people on Sariwon-Haeju road while forcibly taking them to the south threatening them with atomic bombs.
Likewise, the massacre committed by the U.S. against peaceful residents during the Korean War surpassed the most barbarous and brutal atrocities committed by Hitler’s fascists during the World War II, which all went beyond the imagination of human.
In regard to the atrocities committed by the U.S. in the northern half of the Republic in 1951, an investigation team of the Women’s International Democratic Federation condemned that “the massacres and tortures the U.S. troops committed in the areas they temporarily occupied are even more vicious than those committed by Hitler Nazis in Europe”. A French newspaper at that time also exposed the crimes committed by the U.S. in Korea, saying that “the most outrageous crime of the 20th century was committed by the U.S. in Korea.”
Moreover, in less than one-year period since the outbreak of war, the U.S. imperialists slaughtered more than 1 million innocent civilians in south Korea.
For instance, when the U.S. imperialists landed in Inchon on September 16, 1950, they shot to death over 1, 300 inhabitants during one day alone. In Seoul, they arrested, imprisoned and killed more than 75, 000 citizens. And when they took to flight for the second time, they dealt with all the suspected summarily.
At that time, as many as 72, 390 peaceful inhabitants were tortured and massacred.
Immeasurable are the anti-humanity crimes committed by the U.S. against Korean nation during the Korean war and in the past.
The U.S.-the chief criminal who should sit in the dock of war crimes, human rights crimes- professes itself to be “human rights judge”, mentioning about the “human rights” of the others. This is really an intolerable insult to the justice and conscience.
There is no statute of limitations for the unprecedented anti-humanity crimes committed by the U.S. during the Korean War. We will surely make the U.S., our sworn enemy, pay for the blood shed by Korean people.
-Graphic Manifestation of U.S. Hostile Policy Towards DPRK
Recently, the White House has shown its wicked stand that the U.S. bans the use of anti-personnel mines, except for their continuous use on the Korean peninsula.
This is a graphic manifestation of the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK.
The U.S. has long clarified its stand to ban the use of anti-personnel mines. However, each time it treated the Korean peninsula as an exception.
Clinton Administration announced the U.S. policy of banning the use of anti-personnel mines in 1996. Obama Administration did the same in 2009, 2011, 2014 and 2015. But the Korean peninsula was excluded every time. This clearly shows the nature of the U.S. hostile policy and double standard act towards the DPRK which are so deep-rooted and persistent.
The U.S. has no other word to say about the issue of anti-personnel mines.
During the last Korean war, Vietnam war and many other wars, the U.S. used anti-personnel mines in large quantities, and there still remain the mines laid at that time. Because of this, people in those regions are still suffering great pain and misery.
Nevertheless, the U.S. sticks to its guns that it will maintain its policy on the use of anti-personnel mines on the Korean peninsula. This shows that the U.S. does not feel any sense of guilt about its crime against humanity committed on the Korean peninsula and that it will continue to keep the Korean peninsula as the world’s largest powder magazine.
The purpose of the U.S. is to intensify the military pressure upon us and to justify the delivery of armed equipment to south Korea.
Many retired generals of the U.S. armed forces scathingly denounce the policy on anti-personnel mines of the U.S. administration. They say that the U.S. administration was wrong to except the Korean peninsula from the policy on banning the use of anti-personnel mines; no other place is more urgent to remove the mines than the Korean peninsula where tens of thousands of mines are laid; the anti-personnel mines have already lost their military value on the Korean peninsula.
All the above facts vividly show that peace can never be brought to the Korean peninsula unless the U.S. abandons its hostile policy towards the DPRK.
It also offers clear proof that the U.S. claim that “it does not have hostile intent towards the DPRK” and “it wants diplomatic engagement and dialogue without preconditions” is no more than a play on words to deceive the international society.
This time, the U.S. has shown its stand to continuously maintain its hostile policy towards the DPRK. Such being the situation, we will also continue to confront the U.S. with the already announced principle of struggle; power for power and head-on contest.