UAE foreign policies expected to change after bin Zayed took over: Expert

UAE foreign policies expected to change after bin Zayed took over: Expert
News code : ۱۲۳۰۸۷۹

An expert on region believes that there is a possibility that Mohamed bin Zayed will once again overtake Saudi Arabia in terms of oil production and exports, which will also worry Riyadh and other governments in the region.

Seyyed Reza Sadrolhoseini said in remarks to ILNA that “Many believe that the UAE may adopt orientations in regional policies that may bring disagreements between the UAE and the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council.”

He said that in the OPEC issue, there is a possibility that Mohamed bin Zayed will once again overtake Saudi Arabia in terms of oil production and exports which will also worry Riyadh and other governments in the region.

As regards the normalization and relations with Israel, he said there are possibilities that bin Zayed would set aside considerations and bolder relationships between the UAE and Tel Aviv.
