The 11th cabinet spends its time to fix past deficiencies; Labor Minister

Iran's Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare Minister says, the government didn't lie to workers.
"Ali Rabiei", Iran’s Cooperative, Labor and social Welfare Minister, in the world May Day ceremony said: "During the past 4 years, we tried to fix what has been left broken. In this regard we didn't lie to workers."
"when a factory get closed, the life of workers and pensioners are extremely affected. The 11th Government didn't repeat the past wrong and failed approaches in paying out subsidies while getting back higher amount of money through inflations" he added.
Rabiei emphasized that during this cabinet we've witnessed the most peaceful relations between workers and contractors.
"Meanwhile we have plans for the next Government. One of which is providing houses for workers" he further noticed.
Labor minister added: "Despite high cost of Mehr housing project, it did not lessen workers problems. We are looking for ways to address workers and pensioners housing problems and have plans to let all temporary and permanent workers to have access to social insurance. We want every Iranian citizen to have an insurance. And we hope that future rate of casualties in factories decreases."
At the end he emphasized: "This year in this ceremony, we pledge allegiance to " the founder of Islamic Republic, who never lied. We gather our forces to improve the lives of workers and pensioners."