Iran calls Mike Pompeo ‘Secretary of Hate’

Iran Foreign Ministry announced on Sunday night that during Mike Pompeo's tenure as US Secretary of State, the world has become more insecure and the US more hated and humiliated.
Iran Foreign Ministry wrote in a tweet, “After 2 years in office, US Secretary of State Pompeo also known as Secretary of Hate, has literally achieved NOTHING in diplomacy. "
According to reports, the secretary reportedly plans to take that route should the UN Security Council (UNSC) decline to reimpose an arms embargo against Tehran when an existing embargo expires later this year. An extension of the arms embargo is expected to be opposed by Russia.
“We cannot allow the Islamic Republic of Iran to purchase conventional weapons in six months. President Obama should never have agreed to end the U.N. arms embargo," Pompeo said in a statement to the Times.
“We are prepared to exercise all of our diplomatic options to ensure the arms embargo stays in place at the U.N. Security Council,” he added.