Iran's envoy hails UN strong support to cause of Palestine

Counselor at the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations on Palestine Mohammad Reza Sahraei on Friday hailed adopting resolution in support of Palestine.
Addressing the Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly on Palestine on November 15, he slammed the Zionist regime for continued occupation of the territories and killing innocent Palestinians.
Full text of the statement reads as follows:
"My delegation welcomes the adoption by overwhelming majority of the all resolutions under agenda items 50 and 51. By adopting these resolutions, the Members of the Committee once again expressed their strong support for the cause of Palestine in particular realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and also holding occupying regime accountable for its crime against Palestinian people in particular women and children.
"During the past seven decades that the question of Palestine is the core issue in the Middle East and affects directly or indirectly any other problems in this region. Meanwhile, the continued occupation of the Arab and Palestinian lands, aggression and unabated atrocities against the Palestinian people by the Israeli regime lie at the core of the Palestinian question. In this connection, the atrocities, such and killing the innocent children, women and the elderly, committed by the Israelis, including in the Gaza and Lebanon, which have outraged the whole world, are just examples of what the peoples under the Israeli occupation incurred in the past several decades.
"Against this backdrop, it is absurd as much as it is appalling that the Israelis now try to hide their daily atrocious and egregious acts behind their empty rhetoric against other countries. It is obvious that their propaganda against Iran has always been a smoke screen released by them to mask their heinous acts and to divert governments and international public opinion from their land grabbing schemes and other crimes.
"Mr. Chairman
From the beginning of the tragedy of Palestine, numerous initiatives have been taken by different concerned countries, the United Nations and other international and regional organizations to address this crisis and reduce the misery of the Palestinian people. Adoption of numerous resolutions condemning the occupying regime, presenting different plans and initiative for peace as well as establishing fact-finding missions have all been in this line. Despite this fact, the non-compliance of occupying regime, backed by certain powers, with relevant international law and regulations, has prevented international community from finding a just solution to the crisis.
"Ending more than seven decades of conflicts and instability in the Middle East, and the establishment of a durable peace is only possible by resolving the Palestinian issue through ending occupation, restoring the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, the return of the refugees to their homeland and the establishment of a congruent Palestinian State with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its Capital."