Zarif: Iran fully upholds commitments under deal

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Tuesday bitterly rebuked his European counterparts for procrastination and failure to abide by their commitments to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, saying that Iran is invoking para 36 remedies in the context of the JCPOA.
"To my EU/E3 Colleagues 1."Fully upheld commitments under JCPOA" YOU? Really?" Zarif wrote in his Twitter account.
He added: "Just show ONE that you've upheld in the last 18 months"
"2.Iran triggered-& exhausted-dispute resolution mechanism while you were procrastinating We're now using para36 remedies Look at my 6/11/18 letter," Zarif noted.
In his earlier letter to Europeans, Zarif said: "The United States unlawfully re-imposed with full effect of all sanctions lifted under the JCPOA and maliciously added 300 new designations, covering almost the entire Iranian financial, energy and transportation sectors."
"As described below, no practical remedial action even in fulfillment of their own obligations under the accord to ensure normalization of Iran's economic relations have been adopted by the remaining JCPOA participants."
"Even SWIFT, a European company headquartered in the seat of the European Union, immediately suspended its relations with most Iranian banks," it added.
Meanwhile, European foreign ministers on Monday in a statement said: "Iran’s action is inconsistent with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA)’s clear provisions on Fordow and has potentially severe proliferation implications. It represents a regrettable acceleration of Iran’s disengagement from commitments under the JCPoA. "
"We urge Iran to reverse all measures inconsistent with the JCPoA, including exceeding the maximum allowed low enriched uranium stockpile and the maximum allowed enrichment limits, and not respecting the limits set by the JCPoA on nuclear R&D activities," they added.