Advances in nuclear energy make Iran powerful: AEOI chief

Advances in nuclear energy make Iran powerful: AEOI chief
News code : ۸۱۰۰۱۴

Vice-President and Director of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi said on Saturday that advances in the nuclear energy made Iran powerful.

"AEOI is one of the pioneer organisations for application of new technologies and latest know-how that has been able to take steps in science and technology. Its scientists have created huge scientific and technological potentials making Iran powerful," Salehi said after opening of a five-day crash course laboratory of quantum physics in Tehran.

He added that nuclear technology proved to be the crossroad of several industries helping them move forward.

Salehi said that the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran is now moving fast to develop a quantum department.

He recalled that Iran was capable to produce 20% nuclear fuel only in two years time, saying the move was welcomed by Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, who called the move as a clear example of "We can".

He noted that Iran is now taking steps to fast-track fully use of the quantum physics capability, saying that attaining such a goal could be similar to the invention of electricity. "The world after electricity is not similar to the one before it," he said.

