Iran urges world to react to US violation of int'l law

Iran urges world to react to US violation of int'l law
News code : ۷۷۰۸۵۱

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi called on the world to show reaction to US blatant violation of fundamental international law by the arbitrary sanctions.

Only a week-long patience proved the US president's void assertion that he was willing to hold talks with Iran, Abbas Mousavi made the remarks in reaction to US Treasury Department's wrongful act of imposing to sanction Iranian petrochemical companies.

He slammed the US act and described it as evidence of economic terrorism and in line with White House continuous hostility to Iranians. 

The US' policy to put maximum pressure is a defeated strategy which has been tested by former US presidents for many times, he said.

It is a false path and the US administration can make sure that it will achieve nothing from the so-called maximum pressure rather than come to terms with Iran, he said.

Mousavi said that the alleged preparedness of some US officials to hold negotiations with Iran was deceptive, unreal and merely aiming to attract the public attention.

"These measures are in contrast with principles of the International Law and the international commitments of the US administration, bringing International Responsibility for the US government."

Mousavi said that all countries are expected to react to the US violation of principles of international law and not to let destroying the achievements of the international community and the principle of multi-lateralism be ignored due to US bullying and unilateral acts.

The US Treasury Department imposed fresh sanctions on Iranian petrochemical sector.

Meanwhile, in a public relations show and misleading the world public opinion, the US Secretary of the Treasury Department Steven Mnuchin said that the US aims to block financing the IRGC, Iranian national defense entity through petrochemical sector.

On May 8, 2018, Trump withdrew from the JCPOA, which was condemned by other parties to the 2015 agreement.

Trump's choice has faced opposition of the international community; namely Russia, China, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the European Union Foreign Policy chief Federica Mogherini.

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said earlier that Iran will give a 60-day moratorium to the states parties to Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to remedy their breaches and restore Iran's interests enshrined by the international deal.

Iranian Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) in a statement announced that Iran has stopped some of its commitments under the JCPOA as of May 8, 2019.

