Trump has no strategy in dealing with Iran; political professor told ILNA
"Negotiating with Donald Trump is possible, but Iran has to understand that it needs to flatter him to get what it wants," political science professor told ILNA in an interview.
Kurk Dorsey is political science professor at New Hampshire University believes that Trump recent decision to prevent Iranian oil from reaching the world market, could hurt countries such as India and china. He said in an interview with ILNA news agency that the key problem for Iran is that Trump sees it through the lens of his hatred of President Obama, hence he pays close attention to Iran policy.
Below is his Full interview with ILNA:
Some argue that the United States is pushing for boosting emerging powers such as China, India, Turkey, and so on but Iran's oil embargo will boycott the global economy. What do you think?
I am not sure that the US wants to boost emerging economies specifically. The Trump Administration seems more interested in working with India against China for instance. Preventing Iranian oil from reaching the world market could hurt those countries, but there seems to be an abundance of oil on the market now, so probably the effects on those countries will be minor for now.
At the moment, the United States is bullied by the dollar, and the US involvement in this area is not limited to Iran, and includes many countries, including Russia. Is this correct from your point of view?
The US certainly uses its economic power to get things done, and in this administration that is particularly true. Trump thinks that the US has not gotten the respect that its economy warrants, and he wants that respect. Oddly, he has been much softer on Russia than his diplomats, who have stuck to more traditional US views of Russia and kept up sanctions and other forms of pressure. The key problem for Iran is that Trump sees it through the lens of his hatred of President Obama; hence he pays close attention to Iran policy.
Some in Iran believe that negotiating with Trump has no result, because the other party does not adhere to any commitment. Do you agree with that?
The key thing about President Trump is that he has no grand strategy but rather series of individual relationships. Those relationships are usually based on his personal feelings rather than any policy goal. He hates former President Obama who negotiated with Iran, so he wants to do the opposite. I doubt that Iran will get anything it wants from President Trump unless it finds a way to convince him that Iran is doing something that it would not do with Obama. Negotiating with Trump is possible, but Iran has to understand that it needs to flatter him to get what it wants. I do not think that he will just break a treaty without announcing that he will withdraw from an agreement as the rules allow.
It seems that the American target of sanctions is the Iranian nation, and not just its system, what is your opinion?
Most American citizens do not really have an opinion about the Iranian nation, and many could not tell you much about the Iranian government. The US government wants to change Iranian policy toward nuclear weapons, Israel, Iraq, Lebanon, and a few other places, but I do not think that it really cares who runs Iran as long as Iran does not pursue nuclear weapons or oppose Israel's right to exist. US leaders have a long tradition of speaking to the people of a country as if they are separate from their leaders--Germany in 1917, Cuba in 1962, and Soviet Union forever--so I think most US officials below Secretary Pompeo oppose the Iranian government but not the nation.
How do you assess US anti-human activities in boycotting relief agencies in Iran flood?
Like the questions about the waiver, it seems to me that the US Trump Administration is trying to put maximum pressure on Iran on the theory that any money that comes in will just be transferred to help the government achieve its foreign policy goals. As policy, it may backfire, but it is consistent. If foreign states do not give money for flood relief, then the Iranian government will have to take money from its other organizations to help the flood victims.
7) Why does Europe not act in opposition to US actions, given its commitment to Iran? European leaders have a number of problems to deal with, including opposition to many Iranian policies, not wanting to annoy President Trump, problems with integrating Muslim populations into society in places like Germany and France, and many issues that have nothing to do with Iran. Hence, they have to pick when to fight against the US, and Iran's dispute with the Trump Administration isn't one fight that they are prepared to take on. There are other things that are more important to them.