Iran President introduces four proposed ministers to Parliament

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani introduced four proposed ministers for Economy; Industry, Mine, and Trade; Roads and Urban Development; and cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare to the Majlis for confidence vote, said a member of Majlis (Parliament) Presiding Board.
“President Rouhani has proposed Mohammad Eslami as the Minister of Roads and Urban Development, and Farhad Dezhpasand as the Minister of Economy, in a letter to the Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani,” said the lawmaker Asadollah Abbasi on the sidelines of Majlis’ open session on Sunday.
“The president has also proposed Mohammad Shariatmadari as the Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare, and Reza Rahmani as the Minister of Industry, Mine, and Trade,” He added.
Former Minister of Roads Abbas Akhoundi and former Minister of Industry Mohammad Shariatmadari submitted their resignations on Saturday which were accepted by President Rouhani.
Mohammad Eslami is the current caretaker of Ministry of Road and Urban Development, and Reza Rahmani was appointed the caretaker of the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade on Saturday.
Anoushirvan Bandpey was previously appointed as the caretaker of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare by Rouhani in August.
Rahmatollah Akrami is the incumbent caretaker of the Ministry of Eonomy.