9/11 attacks had no impact on US economy; Robert Rainish tells ILNA

U.S. is the strongest and largest economy in the world. Terrorists can not change this. In fact, China, Russia and other developed countries are just as anti-terrorist as the U.S. Terrorists can be slightly economically disruptive but their major concern is protecting their citizenry.
Robert Rainish (Ph.D), professor of economics, has expertise in financial markets, global and domestic economy, and investment management. He can discuss the economic issues in the Euro Zone, the debt ceiling, various financial instruments and other topics related to investment management. He can also discuss the effect of 9/11 on the U.S. economy and traces the country’s current economic problems back to 9/11. He predicts that another large-scale terrorist attack would devastate the economy.
ILNA: United States is considered to be the most in debt country in the history. Given that, how can one justify Washington attempts to start war in Middle East countries, especially after 9/11?
Diplomacy has nothing to do with indebtedness. U.S. is not focused or trying to start a war in the Middle East. It is going after terrorists who are a threat to the U.S. wherever they live.
ILNA: Some analysts believe that United States invaded Afghanistan, after September 11, to distract public attention from its own economic problems. Do you think this idea has any basic ground?
U.S.’s attacking Al-Quada and their supporters was in retaliation of a terrorists attack – an act of war. Osama was in Afghanistan and that is where we went. U.S. citizenry fully supported this action. It had nothing to do with distracting the populace.
ILNA: 9/11 attacks aimed World Trade Center in New York. Do you think this could be read, symbolically, as an end to the Neoliberal paradise?
No. Just an act of terrorism to kill innocent people. I have no idea what you mean by Neoliberal paradise.
ILNA: Who was the biggest winner of 9/11 attacks, weaponry companies or people of United States?
No one wins when over 3000 innocent people are murdered. The U.S. retaliated as needed. More individuals then died because we needed to retaliate.
ILNA: In general, Did U.S survived 9/11 attacks, in economic sense?
Yes, the attack had no impact on the U.S. economy. It did lead to increasing the homeland security budgets to avoid it happening again. It did cost some money to track down Al-Quada and Osama but the impact was minimal.
U.S. is the strongest and largest economy in the world. Terrorists can not change this. In fact, China, Russia and other developed countries are just as anti-terrorist as the U.S. Terrorists can be slightly economically disruptive but their major concern is protecting their citizenry.
Terrorists will never win but they do murder many innocents
Interview: Kamran Baradaran
Edited by: Azadeh Keshvardoust