Iran hopes Turkish operation in Syria immediately comes to end

Bahram Ghasemi, the Spokesman of Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that the root of the Syrian crisis is the irresponsible behavior of the cross-regional powers, including US and some war-mongering and ambitious countries of the region, such as the Zionist regime.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran is closely and concernedly following the current developments in the Syrian city of Afrin,” said Bahram Ghasemi, the Spokesman of Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Sunday.
The Iranian diplomat made the remarks after Turkey staged a huge military operation in the northern Syria.
“Iran hopes that the operation will immediately come to an end to stop deepening of the crisis in the border areas of Turkey and Syria,” asserted the Iranian diplomat.
“The continuation of the crisis in Afrin may further strengthen the Takfirist-Terrorist groups in the northern Syrian regions, and flare up the fires of war and destruction in this country,” warned the Iranian foreign ministry spokesman.
Seriously underlining the importance of respecting the Syrian territorial integrity and national sovereignty, Mr. Ghasemi called for avoiding the murder of innocent people of Syria and worsening of the humanitarian situation.
“All countries especially Turkey as a guarantor state of the Syrian peace process are expected to remain committed to the political solution, especially Astana peace process, for the Syrian crisis and continue observing their commitments and playing their constructive role in the resolution of the crisis,” asserted Mr. Ghasemi.
"We have always held and still believe that the root of the devastating and destructing crisis in Syria was the irresponsible behavior and provocative actions and illegal interventions of the cross-regional powers, including the US government and some of expansionist and warmongering countries of the region, as the Zionist regime,” highlighted Mr. Ghasemi.
“As long as the US forces and its allies, including the Takfirist-terrorist groups, continue their illegitimate and unlawful presence in Syria which is also in contrast with the international law, despite calls of the legitimate government of Syrian and in opposition with the interests of the Syrian people, the humanitarian crisis in Syria will continue to deteriorate,” he added.
"Therefore, it is expected from all the responsible countries of the international community, especially the neighboring countries of Syria, to avoid any action that will cement the illegitimate presence of cross-regional interventionist forces which encourages the terrorist groups, and call upon all of them to continue to focus on the peace process."