Several terrorist groups busted within two weeks

Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi said on Thursday that several terrorist groups were busted over past two weeks.
He made the remarks while visiting a number of people who were injured during yesterday’s terrorist attacks in Tehran.
Over 100 plots masterminded by the terrorists have been identified and foiled by the ministry over past two years, the minister said.
Terrorist teams comprising one, two and three members were identified and arrested by the security forces during the period, he said.
Investigation is underway to identify and arrest remaining for the network, he said.
The minister also warned official organizations to mind security precautionary measures to prevent reoccurrence of such incidents.
There is no doubt that Saudi Arabia supports terrorist groups round the globe, he said adding that you can find their trace in Syria and Iraq and the world has now admitted the ideological position of Saudi Arabia in all terrorist moves.
It is not possible to make any concrete judgment at this juncture and we require more time to be assured of Saudi’s involvement in recent attacks in Tehran, he said.
West and global hegemony is now misusing issues such as human rights, fight against terrorism and weapons of mass destruction to meet their interests and easily trample upon rights of others to attain their heinous goals, he said.
Two terrorist groups attacked mausoleum of the late Imam Khomenini, southern Tehran, and the Iranian Parliament (Majlis) on Wednesday morning, killing 17 people and injuring 52 others.
One of the attackers blew up himself outside Imam Khomeini shrine.
The terrorist group of Daesh (ISIS) has claimed responsibility for the fatal attacks in Tehran.